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Urban dictionary

Something useless you dont know why you have an account on it and why you still looking at the website.

- What does this means? says person 1
- I dont know look at urban dictionary, says person 2
- I might just go psycho, says person 1

by A guy that is useless May 6, 2020

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Urban Dictionary

A pretty good website. Users submit informal definitions of established words or of slang, usually meant to be humorous. If easily offended or grossed out, you should use dictionary.com instead

I always like to check Urban Dictionary's definition for a good laugh

by Me, the only person I can be October 16, 2015

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Urban Dictionary

The place to find the best and most bizarre definitions for regular and inappropriate words.

I'm going to look up ghetto in the Urban Dictionary.

by 68 hiiiiiiiiii x hi hi June 7, 2015

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Urban Dictionary

The website you're currently on. It is very good for telling Internet slang as it is made by scrubs like you and I.

Guy 1: i is totally rofling right now.
Guy 2: WTF is rofling?
Guy 1: Use Urban Dictionary you scrub.

by UrbanDicApple November 17, 2016

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Urban dictionary

An online "dictionary" where people can write their own definitions to words.

Leave it to Urban Dictionary to teach you everything you never knew you didn't want to know.

by JayJay74656 May 28, 2011

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Urban Dictionary

A horrid place that some people put in real definitions, whilst the other 90% either:
1. Make words for sexual matters, or
2. Make names of themselves or their crushes, listing EVERY single good factor about a person in the world.

1. Look anything up, there will be something sexual for it.
2. *Looks up name* (Insert name here) is the smartest, most beautiful being on Earth, how could someone be so godly? He/she is just so...etc. etc. etc.

Please stop it with the names on the Urban Dictionary. Please.

by A_single_bean June 2, 2019

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Urban Dictionary

This website,really why do you search the website ON the website itself.

d:urban dictionary rocks
g:i know

by tacotaco123456789 June 25, 2010

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