Source Code

3-eyed turtle

A highly unachievable sexual position. One that has never been done before.

Q: Did they do the 3-eyed turtle?

A: Shit Dawg! That bitch didn't get nuttin'

by Chedder Cheese December 5, 2003

6๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

stoopid ninja turtle pussio

basically when sum1 be real ugly like wit 10 rolls on their forehead yh and they also a pussio, making them a stoopid ninja turtle pussio

*wimp*: "no im not gonna fight the bully" *other guy*: stfu u stoopid ninja turtle pussio

aye aye made this wit my g oscar, iss dion here and ethan next me rn is gay

by dionkdionkdionkdionkdionkdionk May 7, 2021

the turtle is sniffing the cotton

A statement made when one urgently needs to take a large dump. This is a visual reference referring to a piece of feces (the turtle) hanging out of the rectum, and "sniffing" one's underpants. This can also can be used to describe the moments prior to soiling yourself.

Brad: "Hey Alice, let's go have sex!"
Alice: "Hell no, after eating that egg salad the turtle is sniffing the cotton"

Carl: "Forget the roller coaster guys, the turtle is sniffing the cotton"

by rimlover October 30, 2010

2๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Awkward Turtles Babies Die

After making Awkward Turtle and the lovely Awkward Turtle makes Babies, if the awkward moment continues to persist (and refuses to be broken with verbal acknowledgment), the right Awkward Turtle Baby gets carried off by a seagull (signified by your hand shaking and floating up and to the right) and the left Awkward Turtle Baby drowns in the roaring tide of awkwardness (signified by your hand shaking and falling down and to the left). Thus killing the awkward moment in it's entirety.

Creepy guy at work: Hey girl...

Girl: .....*awkward turtle*

Creepy guy at work: You wanna come to a show with me on saturday?

Girl: ......*awkward turtle makes babies*

Creepy guy at work: ..You can bring your boy. I'll pay.

Girl: ............................*Awkward turtles babies die*

by Stiffeh March 10, 2010

27๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Yeet yeet turtle wurtle

When you see a turtle โ€œyeet yeet turtle wurtle!โ€

(In a park and you see a turtle) YEET YEET TURTLE WURTLE OVER THERE DADDY!

by Yeet yeet piggy wiggy November 17, 2017

18๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

teenage mutant ninja turtles

An awesome show with a kickass themesong until cartoon network came and reanimated it, changed the themesong so it was some stupid techno rave thing that didn't even mention splinter (by far the coolest martial arts sensei who like renaissance artwork who is also a rat), and basically ripped the show's balls off.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: We're by far the coolest turtles skilled in different weapons who are named after renaissance writers and have a kickass theme song.

Cartoon Network: Well we just bought your rights and now you're all lame now!

TMNT: Noooooooo! We are a buncha mo-fos now!

Me: Fuckin' A!

by Gizwidget February 14, 2007

34๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

beating up the turtle head

When an uncircumsized guy masterbates at a fast enough rate to make his cock head pop in and out.

Tony O nearly passed out beating up the turtle head to a Sears catalog last night.

by Tri-State dumb ass's February 7, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž