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1-10 Female attractiveness scale),

Something rather old but with ")," behind it.

Cunt:Dude have you seen this 1-10 Female attractiveness scale),?
Other Guy: WTF bro that's old as sh*t.
Cunt: Notice the ")," at the end...

by BRHSM November 25, 2016

221๐Ÿ‘ 152๐Ÿ‘Ž

10 yard dash

Similar to a flying yamagooch, except the woman is placed on the erect penis whil the man is standing, then he runs and jumps, landing and sliding acss a surface. Said to be almost as painful.

by Makis August 22, 2003

1๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bow Chica Mach 10

When someone you know appears in a porno, of any quality, in any format.

That chick gave me head last night and let me take some pictures... Bow Chica Mach 10!

by The People of Port Hope April 20, 2005

6๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

1-10 Female Attractiveness Scale

A scale to determine an atractivness or "hotness" of a female.

1: Literally a ogre
2: One of those fat feminists you see in YouTube

3: Comparable to the attractiveness of a bear
4: Mediocre. Sometimes plump
5: The attractiveness of your mother to you
6: Fine, okay. Nothing else.

7: Good. Well curved. Commonly described as cute
8: A pretty girl. Comparable to that girl you're crushing on but is across the room and you can't muster the courage to talk to her.

9: Fabulous. Red carpet worthy. Sexiest girl on campus except for...
10: The hottest female in the world. Brighter than the sun. She has not been born yet because she will destroy the universe with her hottness.

There are of course, many decimals in between the integers.

Dammmnnnn, rate her on the 1-10 female Attractiveness scale. Created by the genius who wrote the description m.

Aiightt nigga. like a 8.6 at best.

by Memelorddd September 8, 2016

17๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

1-10 female attractivness scale

A scale on which you rate girls by their looks. Only. So anti sapi omg
The scale:
2. Really ugly
3. Ugly
4. Ew
5. Eh
6. Okay
7. Cute
8. Hot
9. Model

John: She's cute
Ryan: So about a seven on the 1-10 female attractivness scale.
John: ya dude ur smart

by itz_kidz October 2, 2016

19๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

1-10 Scale (of female attractiveness)

The 1-10 scale of female attractiveness is a ranking system used to classify women based on appearance with 1 being the lowest and least appealing and 10 being the most. Traditionally, a margin of error of +- 1 is acceptable during story telling.

Numbers on the scale correspond to the following:

1: Angels weep at the mere existence of such an ugly creature
2: Disgusting, revolting, or otherwise vile
3: A trash compactor could improve her features
4: The sight of her is tolerable, if not desired
5: Average. If inebriated, you would consider her attractive
6: Not half bad
7: Recognizable as an appealing partner for reproduction
8: Stories are told and grins shared over obtaining her digits
9: Radiant, beautiful, and otherwise worthy of praise
10: A goddess. Dicks of all ages rise in salute as she walks by.

An essential tool in any gentleman's toolbox, the 1-10 scale allows for the safe counsel of friends. Never allow a bro to have any genital contact with a female below a 4.

Words of wisdom for the 1-10 scale (of female attractiveness) - If she's a three, let her be. If she's an eight, try to mate. If she's a ten, try again.

by Irate Beagle November 7, 2016

19๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

9/10 of a penny street whore

A slutty girl who usually works the corner infront of a gas station.

Yo Eddie did you hear about Christina's new job?
Yea i heard she works on the corner in front of the gas station, i hink they call that a 9/10 of a penny street whore.

by tankbirdie March 2, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž