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Normally one or all of the following, Racist, Homophobic, Transphobic, Annoying, Mean, Selfish, All up in your day. Don't respect the drip.
People named Karen Are Normally, Nice, kind, accepting, loving, different than "real Karens's"

"Wow that chick is a real Karen isn't she?"
"Yeah dude, she just asked to speak to the manger! Get cho phone!"

by CapriDaughter September 25, 2020


Someone with the power to summon the manager, anywhere, anytime. Their species typically is anti-vaxxer, racist (to a degree) and has a haircut that immediately signals a Karen is in the radius.

Waiter: Yes Ma'am?
Karen: This coffee tastes like bullshit! I want to speak to the manager!
Waiter: intense sweating

by igor's coffee September 1, 2020


Has come to mean any woman, usually white, who is an ego centric narcissist with princess entitlement syndrome. Often they demonstrate latent or not so latent racism.

The Karen was raging that the world is against her because a cop gave her a speeding warning.

The Karen made the pleasant and attractive looking woman feel bad because the pleasant attractive woman was pleasant and attractive.

The karen was angry the a black woman became vice president.

by Sheilee May 4, 2024


Karen is a gender-neutral label given to entitled people who believe that employees of shops and restaurants should cater to their whims. Stereotypically white Christian conservative middle-aged women, and also usually racist, homophobic, and transphobic.

Last week, some Karen came into Starbucks, and had a tantrum when the barista called him out, it was really funny.

by John the Stupid October 28, 2024


A very nice person that is introverted and enjoys rosé wine. Her hair is always fabulous and when she smiles her eyes look like they’re laughing bashfully. Karen is very creative and enjoys producing art in her free time while also supporting her local community. That being said Karens can be a bit hard to read as they always seem tired of your bullshit but really they are tired of everyone trying to under pay them for their artwork. That being said once you can recruit Karen into your friendship cult they will be down to choke out just about anyone (safely that is). In their free time they play games like magic the gathering and run The League of Karens Against Karens where they are currently plotting a coup to reclaim their name from the annoying white/blonde Karens that the world so hates.

Me: Is that a Karen? She doesn’t look like one…
Friend: No. That’s just Karen, she’s great. I have some of her artwork on my wall.
Me: Oh shit which piece?
Friend: The one with the mushrooms
Me: Fuck that piece is so great!

by CactusCucker November 24, 2021


a stupid little idiot that stays antivax and anti mask and is little,stupid c**t who is fricked up and always asks for manager

this karen is disturbing

by shiningmeta October 11, 2020


This is a name that a white woman gets called by a black person if she has a different opinion from them on a social media post.

Diane: I think that restaurant is pretty good but a little overrated

Reply from Jarvis: OK Karen, you’re a judgmental bitch

by DD.Dianne December 9, 2023