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A living hell

Person 1: Whats up with her

Person 2: shes struggling with depression

by persoin456 March 26, 2023


it’s when you can’t escape from the own sadness in your mind that it becomes so strong, that your body learns to block out the pain and you can’t feel it any more. you become so numb. this can also lead into self harm. like cutting to get a feeling in your body. or killing yourself because you’ve just blocked up so much pain that your body can’t handle it any more, and one day it just all comes back and you don’t know how to cope.

“Your daughter has depression”

by literal psychopath July 26, 2018


It is the worst feeling possible!! Your feel empty and emotionless inside, and there is noway to fix it. You can see everyone around your breathing, but you can't physicaly breath yourself. Everyone is constantly telling you how colorful the world, but I'm colorblind. Yes, this is how I feel right now. Left alone. Depression. When I say I am tired, I mean that I am tired of feeling empty.

Kamile is depressed.

She suffers from depression.

Girl One: "That girl, Kamile, she is depressed..."

Girl Two: "We shoukd remind her of how colorful the world is!"

Girl One: "She can't see it if we tried..."

Kamile: *hangs her head low, she is tired of living

by Xx.Sickness.xX December 17, 2018



Nathan is the meaning of depression

by YetiMayhem134 February 12, 2018


Oh no, I know that not cleaning your house and not grooming yourself are symptoms of depression....

Hym "I'm doing it deliberately. I don't actually have depression. LIFE-STRIKE! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! No, I don't think, nor have I ever claimed, that Schizophrenia 'Isn't real.' I said that I was either patient zero of a 'Psychogenic epidemic' (I said "Epiphenomenon" but I was using the word wrong because Epi (affects a a community) and Phenomenon (1. a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question. 2. a remarkable person, thing, or event.) and you would think that that's what the word means but, no, and then I made the comparison to religion) Like, if I do the symptoms of Depression... That IS NOT HAVING DEPRESSION. It isn't the same. But if I were to report the 'symptoms' that I have... But people are DOING THE SYMPTOMS TO ME... Then I don't have the thing that coincides with the symptoms. Jordan Peterson... Decided to pile on... In spite of the fact the that he's a mental health professional, or WAS, and wants to use the fact that it's happening as leverage to get me to do his bullshit and YOU are authoritarian shit-libs who want you to be the cops without you having to actually do it yourself but EITHER OF YOU doing EXACTLY THAT will result in ONE THING AND ONE THING ONLY! FULL RIGHTS OR DEATH! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

by Hym Iam June 7, 2024


A mental condition that many people have. Some with it joke about it, some that don’t actually have it joke about it too. It’s also an emotion, as well. Depression is just another word for sadness.

I hAVe criPpLinG depression

Are you a sleep-deprived necrophobe? Well, guess what!? They say death is an eternal sleep, so don’t be afraid anymore and jump off a building! ~ something a depressed emo might say.

by Just Some Fucking Lettuce April 15, 2018


REMINDER : If you joke about someone having depression, you don't need to laugh at them for being sad.

Depression is a more tough sadness, but you can't compare it to your sadness when you get a F- on your math test.

Depression is commonly caused because of loneliness. Some of them because your girlfriend/boyfriend left you or broke up with you.

You can also feel anxiety during your depression. This is an example:

Best friend: Hey, why are you changing your positions every minute? Are you okay?
Me: Yeah, it's just my depression. Nothing to worry about!

by iidonutiee February 11, 2021