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Pigeon Twitch

1. A Pigeon Twitch commonly is used in reference to take the place of a noun of the personal persuasion. There is usually only one "Pigeon Twitch" in a group of friends. These people can usually be described as witty, alluring, chill, and sometimes akward in most of any social situation may it be intentional or not. The "Pigeon Twitch" usually can be known for expertly to illplaced humor depending on the akwardness of the situation that has arised. Such placements include but are not limited to saying "meow" instead of "now" in the word "rightnow". Pigeons are often very secretive in nature. Never ask a "pigeon" anything personal as he will lie to your face. Most people love their "Pigeon" in the group and linger on the words that might next come from their mouths as they are fulfilling and enlightening.

2. A super chill guy

3. Class clown

4. One who is somewhat secretively akward about personal details.

1. Pigeon Twitch: ... Hey guys I know your talking about how cool the new... Lamp is but guess what... Your 10x more likely to die by a falling coconut than by shark attacks... Based on yearly averages of course.

Crowd: Wow that was suuupppeeerrrr enlightening pigeon please do say something else.

2. Kayla and Amanda: okay pigeon we put together 4 possible addresses that you could live at.... Now effing tell us because your just too secretive!

Pigeon: wow... Who are you guys?

Kayla: why are you so secretive it's like your in the mob or something...

Pigeon: the world may never know.

3. Pigeon: hey where the eff are you?

Taylor: dude im so chill right now...

Pigeon: well you need to get over here rightmeow.

4. Pigeon: hey have you ever had squab?

Chris: What?! You eat your own kind?!

5. Chris and Anna: pidge you know.. We are all pretty akward..

Pigeon: ( while eating grits at dinner time). What I'm not akward at all..

by Past-tense March 25, 2010

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black pigeon

a genuinely kind person who is usually camp. they are nervous at first but will become calmer after knowing you a while. they get ill easily but fight the illness of every time.

he's one black pigeon
he looks very nervous, he must be a very black pigeon
he's always ill he must be a black pigeon

by FreddyPigeon November 2, 2013

Obese Pigeon

A godly creature of absolute power. When one touches an obese pigeon, they will feel the ultimate goal to go to Mc Donalds to eat. Obese pigeons cannot fly so instead they can only role.

Oh wow Joe, did you see that Obese Pigeon there, it was absolutely huge!

by RAVISHINGMONKEY62 August 28, 2016

Faulty Pigeon

A hopeless outcast that can't fit in anywhere and nobody is willing to help, as in 'An unwanted streetwalker with a broken wing that nobody will feed.'

Rick: I kinda feel sorry for Mikey, he's sitting there all alone with his Hentai comic books
Jonathan: What! Mikey? Man, nobody cares about that creeper, that guy's hopeless, he's a faulty pigeon!

by Pigeon Control April 29, 2010

pigeon papi

A guy that has all the qualities of being daddy AF, but is too dirty and dumb. Your pigeon papi is way more fun than any daddy could ever be.

Justin Bieber is daddy AF, but Lil Peep is my pigeon papi!

by peepmysheep July 19, 2017

Faulty Pigeon

A stranded pigeon who is unable to fly due to poor health or a malfunctioning wing.

Mike: dude look at that faulty pigeon on the ledge its not walking anywhere
Ricky: holy balls man you can literally walk up to it and touch it!
Mike: Wow, I'm calling animal control. Here you talk to them
Animal Control: Hello this is animal control how can we help you?
Ricky: Yes, animal control? We got a faulty pigeon on our hands, we will need your assistance immediately.
Animal Control: Thank you! We're on it!

by Faulty Pigeon Hero April 27, 2010

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pigeon rat

Pigeon rat is a cross-breed between a pigeon and a rat found on a simpsons episode. Used by Sherwood kids as an insult.
pigeon = mooch or thief
rat = tattle tale low life
pigeonrat= slimy grimy mooching fuck.

when some bitch rats on ur ass but comes back later askin for a dolla or suemtin youd say "fuck off you pigeon rat goooooof"

by akwlejadlkfb April 18, 2009

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