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(to) Kit Connor

To speculate about someone's sexuality or accuse them of queerbaiting to the point where they are forced to come out earlier than they were comfortable with.

"Did you see Jenna Ortega point at herself after seeing that lesbian flag? Its so obvious she's a lesbian. She really needs to come out or she'll get called a queerbaiter."

"Stop trying (to) Kit Connor her."

by Ghhshahshiiaiajj December 4, 2022

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Lift Kit

An advanced hydraulic system for lifting your obese girlfriend

Let me get the lift kit because we about done-n-dash baby!

by The Real Snail July 22, 2018

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A sexy, funny, hot, attractive and muscular guy

damn that guy is hot, he must be a Chun-Kit

by lit guy November 29, 2016

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A girl's private parts

"My dress is too short, someone's going to end getting a view of my Kit-Kat."
"Do you know any spas that give vajacials, my Kit-Kat needs one."

by Geekkitty June 7, 2015

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used in the context of mary jay smoking sessions. ones 'pe-kit' is the equipment they bring to the party and allow them to play. party attendees that do not bring any pe-kit are referred to as being in their 'pants n socks' and are at the mercy of the smokers as to their smoking allowances.
pe-kit is split into two categories, home-kit and away-kit.
a home-kit is conventional mary-jay smoking supplies, such as mary-jay, tobacco, skins, grinder, roach papers e.t.c. away-kit is defined as "unexpected pleasantries" such as takeaways for example, pizzas preferably. one who brings his away-kit to the game is usually allowed the same smoking priviledges as those who brought their home-kit.

"Adam, Alad & Tim were starving during the session until Junior arrived with his away pe-kit"

by Adam Sambridge November 27, 2006

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Clit Kit

The female version of "Spank Bank," i.e., a memorable collection of mental images that one wishes to retain for master debational purposes

Did you see the abs on Brad? Yeah, that's definitely one for the Clit Kit.

by Ne'er-do-well Johnson September 7, 2010

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kit kat

A small break while working, bit like a smoko

Mate, i'm off for a kit kat

by Mr good March 31, 2005

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