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Xavier Frag

skinny fucker that likes balls

OMG it's Xavier Frag, his nipples are concave

by 121272@ecmelb.catholic.edu.au August 14, 2023

2👍 1👎


The state of being a modicum of your human self, to the point very simple tasks become incomprehensible, such as being in a scarecrow state.

"Mate, I'm way too fragged to play Blister in the Sun for the 40th time today."

by DJFraginator July 14, 2023


Annoyed at someone or something; sometimes upset in a funny way.

Girl one: "Is Laura fragged at me? She's been ignoring me all dayyyyyy..."
Girl two: "Idkkk it's Laura"

by groovyraccoon January 21, 2020


To get wasted (Completely destroyed by drugs/alcohol)

I got absolutely fragged at the party last night.

by Controlled.Chaos115 June 13, 2015


one who excels at everything on the xbox live platform.

Jack Mase is the king of frag on fortnite zone wars!

by King of Frag January 11, 2021

goat of frag

davis arnold (upset on fort)

jackmase yaint even frag bruh yaint the goat of frag like me bruh

by supyoheyhi January 11, 2021

fricking frag

The term used by every squeaker who has ever played black ops, halo, or call of duty on an online game and lost

Whaa? I almost killed you like fifty times! You keep knifing me you Fricking Frag! I'll hack you!

by Warble Glommie March 8, 2016