1. Going full retard, as in the movie 'Tropic Thunder'.
2. Sharing his utmost offensive opinion in an episode of being entirely unhinged.
You went full Kanye, man. Never go full Kanye.
He has no control over himself when he's drunk. I bet he will go full Kanye at the company's Christmas party.
I feel my intrusive thoughts winning. Let's leave, I can't allow myself to go full Kanye.
Wrapping yourself in a burrito blanket as if you are a warm, toasty burrito from Zambrero resulting in the ultimate fusion of comfort and culinary delight.
Want to hang out today?
Sorry, a new season of Succession has just dropped and I'm going full burrito mode.
A person so good looking, they are more than a dime.
Joe was a solid 7, but somehow managed to get a straight up pocket full of change to go out with him.
one who is an idiot in every aspect of life, i.e. without common sense or education
A: How do I change my turn-signal fluid?
B: You must be a full blooded retard.
Definitely a bitch .
Someone who's very mean.
Short term for "Daughter of Satan".
Full of things that will define the life of a bitch.
Oh she's totally a full-blown bitch!
Ugh!Girl, you better stop acting like a full-blown bitch.
Going full Kotick refers to the Activision-Blizzard sexual harrassment lawsuit that came to light in 2021.
By 'Going full Kotick' a successful and thriving business or person goes through a number of changes devolving into a lesser being, becoming known only for their infamous deeds, in particular sexual-related harassment.
With the announcement of NFTs and calling their customer base stupid, Ubisoft are well on their way to going full Kotick
Never go full Kotick
Adjective for any storage space or container that is expected to continue to hold/store more and more shit in spite of the fact that it’s already FULL (commonly filled with a bunch of useless shit that you no longer need or use but aren’t ready to be rid of yet).
“Mike struggled to hide his new Thigh Glider but luckily the back closet was only “A Hoarder of the way full” so he got it to fit!”