What’s considered shorts for men nowadays that cover the knees and lower.
Back then (when shorts were actually short), you didn’t get judged, as a man, for wearing real man shorts that covered half your thigh or less. Nowadays you’ll get weird looks by some church freaks that think women should wear dresses that noclip through the ground.
Bob: *wears actual shorts*
Myrtle: Oh my creeps that’s sacrilege! He should only be wearing half shorts!!
A half smoked cigarette found on the ground by homeless people. Also known as a "sussdown".
You see that bum over there lookin for ground shorts?
She keeps disagreeing but she knows it’s true
Cass is short af
Slang term for vagina.
Often used by small children, and teens who don't want to get caught talking dirty at the dinner table.
Look, it's your short butt!!
So babe, how about I see that short butt.
A degree of anger most commonly found within men that have short man syndrome but can be experienced by anyone.
Very mad but without anything to do about it.
“My manager has me short man mad bro”
“Bro calm down you’re gettin short man mad”
a temporary lapse of faculties caused by stressful situations
people who can Short Wire include autistics (like me) and people with PTSD (my sister and step dad)
the best thing to do when someone is short wiring is to leave them alone and let them work through it
whats wrong with that guy?
the fireworks caused him to Short Wire
October? No its kick short people october! Going from the start of october to the end.
Hey its kick short people october!