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A thing you do at summer camp

Dude, I had sex with her last night in the cabin, she totally lost her virginity, big time

by Clever Alias... oops November 30, 2018

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Damn you horny fuck why you searching sex in the urban dictionary you won't have any looking it up I've had it 3 times and I'm not even 15 yet

I had some good sex last night
I looked sex up in the urban dictionary

by Danni Masters November 12, 2020

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Well, there are two reasons that’s you’re searching Sex up on UrbanDictionary.

1. You’re hornet or trying to get horny
2. You are an alien to this planet and have a beautiful clean mind that you’re trying to trash

Guess what, no freaky definition about sex.

by Pseudonym beach May 6, 2021

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What most of the definitions on the Urban Dictionary relate to.

Alexei: Frank and Zoey are stupid, disgusting freaks!
Josie: Why is that?
Alexei: Because all they care about is sex and sex only.
Josie: No wonder why so many people don't like them!

by PhoenixGamer34 August 18, 2021

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Something that neither you nor me will have tonight.

Ellie likes to have sex in her free time.

by PhoenixGamer34 January 7, 2022

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Sex is a part of a healthy lifestyle. It is performed by a man and a woman (or in rare cases, a boy and a girl), and consists of jabbing a pee-pee into a woman’s who-haa. Steamy shower

Sex is gross. I mean it!

by Handle52eatingpoo November 14, 2020

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Or if you want it more formal.. "Love touch". "Dirty dance" is commonly used in parties, when a guy approaches a girl to "dance" but he's actually not trying to be too hideous and in a nice and flirty way, he asks her to hook up.

Guy: We had a dirty dance with my gf last night~
Guy 2: If only I could have sex with mine too.. She doesn't let me to touch her, since she's on her period.

by Christina The Hottie 123 May 31, 2019

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