Working one bird equals working a full eight hour shift
"I was working a bird last night so I couldn't have killed that woman!."
Win your work from home office is covered in dog for from your constant companion.
My keyboard is covered in work glitter.
Hym "No. I did the preliminary work and you're a pedophile rapist. Even if it was consensual I would still be a pedophile if I did what you did HERE. There is an article that just came out regarding A.I. where the engineer they interviewed quotes me directly in saying 'In the future, programming A.I. will be no different than having a conversation.' This quote is linked directly to the idea that you would need a massive data-set and I also came up with the idea for how to get it to perceive the world (because perception is necessarily nested in a narrative substrate and I suggested using the 2015 iteration of A.I. from a Chinese company name Tawasi?). I will not look for evidence. If I don't get credit and paid I will murder as many children as I can. You can't preempt me because to do so you would need to acknowledge (at the very least) that I believe I'm responsible for A.I. and any interaction with the law will lead to an investigation where I am undoubtedly revealed to be responsible for A.I. You can't prevent me from buying a gun because if gun stores inexplicably try to deny me a gun I'll know the jig is up and I'll just steal one from my parents or order one online (as I have no criminal record and will undoubtedly pass any background check (I've passed several background checks since I've started writing)) and on the off-chance that somehow I'm denied a gun after several attempts, can't steal one, and still haven't interacted with the law...
I'll just stab a little blonde girl. Just completely exsanguinate the first little blonde girl I can get within arms reach of. And just like that it will all be for nothing. Because you are either going to rob me of everything I have and give it back... OR... You're going to rob me of everything I have and kill me... But only after I kill your kids... And I might not even need to be alive to kill your kids at this point! Your kids will die for nothing. All I want to know is who do I direct the parents to? When they ask 'Why did you kill my baby?' Who's going to tell them 'Well, Jordan Peterson said "If Joe Rogan is just winging it, why don't you try and see how easy it is" and then his thesis about anime/storytelling became the standard and he generated billions of dollars and then he came up with the current iteration of A.I. but we didn't want to give him credit for it because he was talking a bunch of shit and then he said he was going to murder your kid over it but nobody cared... So... Long story short nobody cared about your shitty kids life... Which is ALSO a thing he said... So...' And that will be that. I did the preliminary work. You tried to abscond with it. Someones kid gets murdered over it. OR I get credit. You all go fuck yourselves. You learn a valuable lesson about thinking you're better than other people. At least 1 or several of your kids gets to live. Everybody wins. Or no one wins. It's entirely binary."
often times defined as practicing Mixed Martial Arts with buddies, but usually a cover up to blow your some dude named Matt behind the gym.
Also refer to the word Jim time
Dan: hey brett what were you at the gym for four hours for?
Brett: ooo just lifting weights, cardio, and a little bit of "Matt work"
Dan: sounds pretty gross.
On October 13, everyone who knows JConn has to offer to pick him up from work.
“Sorry I can’t make it to small group, it’s national Pick JConn up from Work Day.”
This words words is so self explanatory it doesn't require an explanation
You have to Work faster idiots
This is when you send it up a hill and not see a car pulling out and do a stoppie and crash into it, then you just have to meet me at maccas, this is known as doing a Dobz
I was riding my BMW S1000RR in Five Dock and my ABS stopped working