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Super Fruity Swag

1. A type of mid-grade marijuana that has a fuity flavor

Taylor: What sort of weed is that?
Drugdealer: This that Super Fruity Swag

by BeckyBeReal February 5, 2010

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rude boy swag

A particular style of swag from the immense plethora of swagger choices, the rude boy swag is mainly used to inflict pain and discomfort on the emotions of young girls, making it aware to them that although that the young man's swagger has indeed attracted him to her, he simply has no interest in her whatsoever and is better off looking for a man with a swagger more tailor-made for her personality.

Did you see that drunk girl crying? She's totally crushed by Jahi's rude boy swag! Lhh smh!

by DeAndre Way October 25, 2010

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swag me out

to check something out

1.A: when does the show start?

B: swag it the fuck out

2.A: you lookin' good today.

B:yeah, swag me out bitch

by cashmereyup April 22, 2011

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The ability to shake your ass like Beyonce. Similar to having a "Beyonce-butt"

Oh wow!! Penelope has some serious butt-swag going on! Claire and Eden will be jealous!

by peterftw August 20, 2012

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post-relationship swag

1. the way a person carries himself after a relationship to show the opposite sex he is "single and ready to mingle"

2. all the crap, presents, etc. you get to keep after a break-up

Ex. "Did you see Caleb's post-relationship swag? It's obvious he's ready to move on."

Ex. "I'm burning all the pictures because I don't want to keep the memories, but I'm definitely keeping this Tiffany's bracelet as my post-relationship swag."

by WhatSheSaid March 31, 2012

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airport bum swag

Something you can say to yourself when you get a really sucky test score; basically the school version of "carpe diem" or "shit happens". Can't go to college or get a cool job? There's always bumming out at the airport - it's indoors, there's a bathroom, and there are restaurants you can work at so you don't have to beg! :P

Guy 1: "What'd you get on your test?"
Guy 2: "D plus."
Guy 1: "I got an F."
Both: "Oh well... Airport bum swag!"

by Hassan & Fei-Yen December 19, 2012

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cold-pizza swag

A person's left-over swag that you acquire when you are around them all the time and/or are very close friends with.

ex: I don't know what swag is 'cause I'm white, but I think I have some, 'cause I'm with him. And he's black. And he has swag. So I have his cold-pizza swag.

Emily: I don't know what swag is.
Me: I don't either. I think I might have some.
Emily: I think I have the smallest amount of possible swag .. cause I'm with Cody. I have his left over swag.
Me: So you have his cold-pizza swag.

by swagaliciousbootyliciousbitch January 31, 2011

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