a scrawny little sh** that has no presence at all but yet all his friends know where he is at all times. if your a friend with him bully him in the most friendly way possible without taking it too far.
friend 1: wheres Jacob
friend 2: over there
Jacob: byeeeeee
friend 2: ill go get him
Jacob: oh no, please
*Jacob and friend to return casually*
convo 2:
friend 3: hey help me get Jacob
friend2: okay ill get him you take his phone
*they get him and his phone*
Jacob:*casually* okay when do I get my phone back
Jacob is a kind person who likes to make people laugh, regardless of whether or not that is through bad puns, silly jokes, embarrassing himself or even hurting himself in different ways. Jacob is especially shy when talking to new people, and even though he will try to make a good conversation, he wont be able to do so unless he knows you on a personal level. Jacob will make funny puns to his friends about his life and things he hates about himself. don't feel bad for not recognizing though, as these jokes are just a way to feel good. the more he make others laugh, the more he'll feel good about himself. he always tries to put others first, unless they have been rude to him or his friends. If he has feelings for someone, he'll try to keep it hidden and play cool. he takes everything to heart especially when it could mean his friends don't like him. if you meet a Jacob, and befriend him, you should check up on him and make sure he's doing ok. its hard to tell because his behavior never changes, even when he hates himself the most. I'm saying all this because I am a Jacob. And this is how i feel my life is.
person 1: oh Jacob's coming over here.
person 2: I hope he's alright.
person 1: surely he is, he just makes those jokes to make us laugh.
person 1: yeah, you're probably right.
A boy that is sweet and kind, but also can be a dick. But not in a bad way. He can be one of your best friends, or even one of your best lovers. He makes you laugh and makes you happy. If he ever makes you cry, he'll try and make it better. Also he is super cute and just lovely to be around.
Friend: Hey what are you looking at.
Girl:I'm looking at Jacob! He's so handsome and cute.
Around friends and family, he is very crazy and definitely fun, he also has a great sense for a good person. Jacob is very funny, loves to laugh, and has the most amazing sense of humour imaginable. He is the sweetest boy you’ll ever meet, and if you do have a Jacob in your life you are very lucky!! If you ever date a Jacob, he will love you with all his heart, so don’t mess it up because you will seriously regret it. If he likes you he won’t talk to you. He is very athletic and likes to move around a lot. Jacob is tall, usually with dirty blonde hair. He walks very fast unless he’s with someone else. He is such a sweet, caring, gentle, fun-loving, gentleman. There are almost no words to describe how perfect he is. His smile could brighten anyone’s day. He also loves to do dangerous activities for fun. As well as all this he is fighting God of all gods whose capabilities and ultra-human strength exceed those of any being, human or non-human in nature. Jacob’s true identity and age are unknown though he takes on the form of a tall teenage male with blonde hair. He wins at everything. Outside of his supernatural physical abilities he also has the ability to control all elements with his mind. His powers are infinite, and still being found. He is capable of using 100% of his brain’s function and over 95% of his bodies muscle fibres. He is capable of regenerating after attaining wounds. He also has a male reproductive organ of immeasurably astounding size.
Girl - look there’s Jacob!
Girl 2 - I know he’s so amazing!!
Girl 2 - I wish he was mine!
Guy - I wish I was him...
a sweet guy. Asian with naturally curly hair and a rocking bod. he knows just how to charm a gorl. he cares about his friends more than he cares about himself and he is usually mistaken for a bully. his humour is very advanced. he is a lovable, sweet and a caring boy. so if thats his name, go for it.
jacob: hey
girl: hey wassup jacob
jacob: the sky
Breaks your heart a lot, doesn’t care about you or your feelings. Unable to realize how much pain he’s causing you. Literally makes you feel like a complete nothing.
Emily: Jacob doesn’t care about me
Peter: That’s Jacob for you
A very very very very very very very amazing looking guy (pause) is sweaty at warzone and can draw
Some one would walk up to Jacob and say omg omg omg omg your the worlds greatest Jacob