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Savage Life

To spit inna nigga ass for the disrespect

Aye blood, them lil gaming niggas Chandler n Nicholas been talking hot on my faction, when i catch em in they city, I’mma do they ass Savage Life.

by Crash Baby October 17, 2023


Just flat out broke as shit.

“Just spent my last dollar, don’t you love being broke.”

Broke-life: broke all the time; life dedicated to just being broke

by Megmcbae June 5, 2018

climaxless life

the plight of many females...going from birth to death never experiencing an orgasm. possibly with a physical defect complicating same. -more likely an individual 'poisoned' by the church!, unable to relax and 'GET OFF' due to these things.

any female actually 'exploding into the cosmos' will definitely be back for more!!, sex no longer being a messy 'chore'.

sometimes the fault of the male, assuming his ramming 'magic stick' will hit and 'tease' the 'spot' continuously for the required amount of time!! (you?)

-cunnilingus not a guarantee, but a big help to the female unresponsive to a 'pounding', the tongue providing some un-deadening delicateness, required by many females. the female able to 'launch' themselves, at least has had the experience!! communication also a HUGE factor!!, i.e. TELL ME WHAT YOU NEED!!

that librarian smacks of a climaxless life!!

sue had never suffered a climaxless life

her ex-husband was a huge ASS, but HAD relieved her of a climaxless life!!

by michael foolsley June 19, 2012

Danz Life

An English Youtuber with between 100 and 200 subscribers.

Danz Life is a great Youtuber

by AuraClanDooDoo April 17, 2019

layover life

A metaphor describing a life in limbo, where a person feels in-between two worlds.

(ex. #1) I don't feel like I belong anywhere...I'm living a LAYOVER LIFE.

(ex. #2) This LAYOVER LIFE feels like my own rendition of Dante's Purgatory.

by MoGyver September 26, 2011

real lifing

When someone gets but hurt online, and shows up at your door step to fight

He got trolled to the point where he real lifing him

by squidphish January 6, 2019

Box Life

Spending your life in prison

Johnny got caught selling a key of coke, now he's living the box life

by Comrade1414 September 6, 2011