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drinky girl

A Korean, Filipino or Russian girl who works in bars and clubs outside of US military bases in Korea and gets GIs to buy them expensive glasses of juice or alcohol in exchange for a conversation and occasional sex on the side. For every one nice girl you meet about five more who just want to take all your money on payday.

That dumb-ass blew his whole paycheck on that drinky girl from the B@B club last weekend and now he can't even afford to get a haircut for next week.

by GI Bro May 27, 2004

92๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

Short Girl

A girl who's height ranges from 5" 3 and lower. Usually very light somewhat chubby or very skinny. Use caution: Short jokes are a major turn off, they are sensitive about the subject. They are a perfect companion for a tall male in all aspects, they can reach objects that a tall male must bend down for, as a tall male can reach things on the "top shelf" that the short stature of the small girl limits.

Tall people develop (not always but often) back, leg, and knee problems, a short girl is perfect to have to aid this.

"Look at that short girl! She's so tiny! I want her!"

"Calm down short girl you may combust from excitement"

by Shortchick87 April 17, 2016

85๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

dakota (girl)

has the nicest body ever, ass and tits. she sometimes gets what she wants but she has to work for it. very sweet and caring but can be emotional and she is very beautiful. all the boys want her and her twerking skills

example ; wow she's such a dakota (girl)

OMG I know everyone loves her , and dat booty

by hihihoho October 16, 2013

152๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž

ol' girl

meaning "old girl", or the last woman you remember your homeboy or homegirl to be taken with.

Henry: Aye, is Kevin still with ol' girl?
Jamal: Oh Keisha? Yea he's still with her. They're getting married in June.
Henry: Oh coo that's what's up.

by MagicUzer January 1, 2017

26๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

girl boner

The female equivalent to a guy who is turned on sexually and has an erection.

Cassidy has been nursing a girl boner for her friend Regan's boyfriend Meredith.

by Babydoll75 March 5, 2019

25๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

cup girls

A video involving a pair of young girls who deficate into a cup, lick and swallow the results, then vomit on each other.
Similar to tubgirl or Lemon Party, in video form.

"Gah! Someone just sent me 'cup girls'! I have to go bleach my eyes!"

by EcchiKitty September 26, 2007

23๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

bucket girl

The nickname of Kisume, a boss character from the Japanese doujinshi game ๆฑๆ–นๅœฐ้œŠๆฎฟใ€€๏ฝž Subterranean Animism (romanized: Touhou Chireiden, meaning Eastern Palace of the Earth Spirits).

When I first played th11, I got hit on the head by that bucket girl!

by redtails October 26, 2010

42๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž