The opposite of Parade of Homes which features elegant homes. Homes and Apartments that are run down, trashy, or have very few amenities.
I look at a place in town, It should be considered a parade of dumps with all of the bugs and things left in the hallway.
When a girl Cum on a guys face
She climbed on top of my face and was clam dumping all over me
When a dog takes a dump and another dog comes along and takes a dump right on top of it.
Oh no, I stepped in a double dog dump.
(While a double-dog-dump is extremely rare in nature, metaphorically it is quite common in humans; so that the second person can put all the blame for a bad deed on the first person.
When you need to pass a stool, have a poo . Conceived by Eddie Kirwan
I’m just going to dump a lump
While on a date, you are overcome with intense diarrheal pain and are forced to excuse yourself from the table. Being gone for more than the standard 3 minute urination time period, you accept that your date has realized you are taking a shit so you take your sweet ass time. You then come back to the table only to find an empty chair, a half eaten tuna tartare and an unpaid bill. Your asscheeks are still greasy and your night is ruined.
Tom’s only chance at true love was thwarted by an unavoidable Judas Dump. The betrayal by both his stomach and the love of his life left him heartbroken.
Australian (Queensland) slang for the bird species Ibis due to the vast numbers found at municipal landfills, dumps and tips.
The sky is full of dump birds. There must be a refuse centre nearby.
when, to your surprise, you are unbelievably constipated, and you fail at making a bowel movement after many long minutes on the porcelain throne.
also in geography, dump failure is used to refer to bad waste disposal
I just had the biggest dump failure.