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Dreamsexual is a term for thos on the asexual spectrum that only experience sexual attraction in dreams.
(It has nothing to do with the content creator Dream)

He's dreamsexual and panromantic.

by Noggie_hope February 25, 2022


A pathetic bastard, stupid enough to use their favorite youtuber as a sexuality because they are socially awkward.

Dreamsexual: Hi, sir! Im a Dreamsexual.

Normal person: Go fuck yourself, you little gremlin.

by Dreamsexualhater69 March 22, 2022


Dreamsexual, or, Sognaresexual is an asexuality when you feel sexual attraction only in your own dreams.

Opposite to what some people may think, this sexuality has nothing to do with Dream, the Youtuber/Twitch streamer that started the DreamSMP, or the DSMP.

Person 1: I'm dreamsexual :)
Person 2: Ew what
Person 1: No the other kind, please don't leave me again karen I miss you

by easytorememberusername November 3, 2022


There are TWO meanings to dreamsexual, so there is a valid version and a non-valid version.

1. To fall in love with a person while you are dreaming.

2. Saying your in love with the YouTuber an making up a sexuality.

"Hey, I heard that Jack's Dreamsexual."
"Which type?"

"There's types?"

by JESSICA JesicA. November 1, 2022


A term used by dream stans to attempt to make themselves apart of the lgbtq+ community by turning the YouTuber, Dream, into a sexuality

The dreamsexuals themselves say it stands for them being sexually attracted to dream/dreamsmp members/the dream team

Person 1. I'm dreamsexual!

Person 2. Are you serious dude? Or are you joking?

Person 1. I'm serious dude, I'm dreamsexual I love dream so much!

Person 2. Bro you just have an insane crush towards a man wearing a smiling mask stfu

by DummyIsTooDummySmart August 29, 2022


It stars off With a YouTuber called dream He is a Minecraft. youtuber He's mainly known for creating the dream SMP and also He is a very popular YouTube and twitch streamer.

And it all starts from the dream fandom with kids They call themselves. dream sexual And they also tried just to get in the LGBQT+ But people in the LGBQT Do not accept them. Because they usually just 7and 8 year olds Which is pretty weird to be honest They do get hate for being not not a real flag or a pride because they're not it's just something made up made up and which. we do not accept And usually dream sexual is basically themselves shipping with a dream And they basically stan dream.


by Itsok1234567 April 23, 2022


the state where you only feel sexually attracted in your dreams, but in real life, you don't feel sexually attracted.

Welp. Guess i'm dreamsexual.

by serplunk November 29, 2021