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Toast Of The Peak

The Toast of the Peak is the perfect toast, because fuck burnt toast, It is a perfect golden-brown with a perfect well-levelled layer of butter, and 3 THICC globs of nutella in the middle.

Mum: " Do YoU WaNt SoMe ToAsT!"
Me: "I'lL MaKe It BeCaUsE I MaKe It ThE tOaSt Of ThE pEaK!"

by BigWillyNathaniel April 10, 2020

Snowy Peak

When you snort cocaine off of someone’s nipple

Dude I totally did a snowy peak last night, it was so crazy

by scremoboy February 12, 2022

Turtles Peaking

When You Go to Take a Poop, But then It hangs There, You try to take a Deep breath and Squeeze it out, But it just goes Right back up your Butt hole.

I had to take a Dump, I Tried to make it quick, But it stayed then it went back in. - Sounds to me you have Turtle's Peaking.

Turtles Peaking a Terd hanging out that goes back inside your Anus.

by SetiCowboy July 3, 2021

Flat peak

An individual who wears a flat peak\brim type baseball hat and exhibits characteristics associated with the type of person who wears this style of hat. Usually has a sleeve tattoo and Monster energy or Metal Mulisha stickers on their car. They are a sub-species of the type of human known in Australia and NZ as a "bogan" or in the U.K as a "chav". Can often be seen vaping and driving Subaru WRX's.

"A couple of flat peaks just abused me as I was walking along the road"

by thatguywhosubmittedsomething April 15, 2018

stiff peaks

When someone has hard nipples.

Man check out her stiff peaks...

by Stiff peaks January 29, 2016

Peaking The Cheeks

When you are fucking a girl doggy style and you pull out and start grinding in between her ass cheeks. Then you cum and it lands on her back.

Fucking Brooklyn doggy style last night ended greatly when I finished by peaking the cheeks.

by Orange Jizz April 6, 2017

Snow Peak

Blasting a massive load into someone's hair and letting it run slowly down their face.

Dude the snow peak on that girl last night blew my god damn mind!

by Marret Kimbs December 18, 2013