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It is the area between the twat and the shitter

Nothing like licking the goo on her twitter

by DutchSchultz December 9, 2009

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A website created that basically trying to be as succesful as facebook, and is for stalkers whom like to know what others/random people are doing at any given time of the day. Usually these posted events are completely random, useless and time wasting to post on the internet for any crepper to see.

"I don't know what Bob is doing right this second or what he will be doing in the next 3 seconds... hmm let's go stalk him on Twitter and find out."

by blurt.it.out June 6, 2009

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A waste of life

Sir Alex Ferguson: "Twitter is a waste of life"

by twastes February 4, 2014

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A website that suspends innocent people, but doesn't suspend pedophiles.

"If only twitter would suspend these pedos."
"Why would they? They actively support them."

by Suspend ProdigyFNRP on twitter September 23, 2020

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The place Donald Trump goes when he forgets he is the president.

Person 1:Did you see trumps tweet?
Person 2: Yeah, that guy make me not want to use Twitter.
Person 1&2: I hate trump.

by Lotus 2.0 April 2, 2020

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A place where weaklings can

a) ''Have their say'' for no one in their lives will listen to them
b) Feel closer to their idols (even though those idols couldn't give a rat's ass whether they live or die)

Cock womble: Log onto to twitter man!

Actual person: What?
Cock Womble: I wanna follow you.
Actual person:
Cock womble: Come on!!!
Actual person: I know people who listen to me and love me even when I talk shit. They're called friends. Not followers! Friends!!! And so I see no need to post my thoughts on a silly website where many people will just scroll up anyways subsequently making me feel like an insignificant spec on the horizon. FUCK YOU, YOUR TWITTER, AND EVERYONE IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD!!!
Cock womble: ...

by Zam89 January 21, 2015

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a very dangerous place, you might need a hazmat suit

im going on twitter

by Tranman64 January 10, 2021

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