When your partner gives you the smolder and you don't want to leave for work.
I was running late for work because Andrew was being a bedroom siren and I kept going back for another kiss.
A person who likes techno and dance music and the art of the DJ who can seamlessly and creatively mix tracks together. The person typically has a DJ set up of two record/CD decks in their bedroom where they try to emulate (and usually fail) to recreate that art form.
John is buying some new records in town today, he wont come out tonight as he'll be doing his bedroom mixer routine with them.
Points towards someone who has trouble with their sleeping schedule or was exhausted that day and went to sleep for more-or-less a day or more.
I was so tired from work and had a bedroom coma yesterday. Eventually I woke up at 6 P.M. My sleep schedule is fucked, man.
When a naked man stretchs his scrotum, batwings like.
i went back to this man's place last night and he greated me with bedroom bats.
(Less misogynistic), adj: fit for in-the-bedroom activities
Since I consider the term f^able to be too misogynistic, I would use the term bedroom material instead