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When a ratchet spends all day snap chatting twerk videos trying to get that dick
Also a term used by ratchets to describe extremely basic ass selfie videos of themeslves twerking alone in their bedroom or other places that aren't directly related to anything involving the need to be dancing or being turnt up

"Yo your sister been in her room all day net-twerking and blasting kesha"
"Ya that's all she does is net-twerk and eat ice cream and fight with our parents about how she's mature and should be treated like an adult"

Ratchet 1-' yo girl you seen my posts I been net-twerking all day trying to get turnt up'
Ratchet 2- 'ya I seen it you've got that net-twerk life down girl we should have a circle net-twerk session and get turnt up my moms not gonna be him till tomorrow'

by PIRATE February 9, 2015

Tuna net

Referring to a pair of womenโ€™s underwear.

Guy #1 - Dude check out that chick over there pulling the
Tuna Net out of her crack.

Guy #2 - Yeah man it looks like she's trying to free a

Guy #1 - I know man, that's hot!

by Battle-Canyons August 12, 2012

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Vegan net

vegan net is when your in your parents basement but your parents are vegan there for the wifi or vegan net is SO FUCK ASS YOU COULD FUCK A TREE

Basement dweller: THIS WIFI IS SO ASS

Mother:sorry honey it is the vegan net again

by A vegan net user March 28, 2022

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net yeti

A girl who has nice looking pictures of herself on the internet, but it extremely ugly in real life.

Roald: I first met Alice on myspace and she looked pretty hot. But when I met her in person she was a real gross!! What gives.

Roald's friend Artem: You've been fooled by a net yeti.

Roald: Let's shoot her.

by JohnFitzgibbonsIII July 7, 2006

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Net Bias

The opposite of Net Neutrality. Showing access preference or denial(faster connection speeds, blacklisting etc.) to any specific site for any reason by an internet service provider.

P1: Did you hear ___cast is limiting P2P traffic?
P2: No way!
P1: That's Net Bias for you.

P1: I'm tired of all these cable company lobbyists shooting down Net Neutrality legislation.
P2: That's Net Bias of the worst kind.

by Tad Turpen June 17, 2008

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net slang

acronyms used for quick typing on the net. usually used during instant messaging sessions or games of red alert 2
see also ffs omg wtf fouc mfc

ffs where have u been?

by craig February 16, 2004

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net lag

A temporary disruption of the body's biological clock experienced by persons who stay awake all night chatting on the Internet to someone resident in another time zone (typically a person they have never met and never will). The effects of net lag, which may include fatigue and irritability, generally disappear soon after one's partner discovers the conversation history in the messaging application.

"Damn Taylor, you look like shit today"
"I know, that Swedish chick is giving me a severe case of net lag."

by trickeychick &moblet April 15, 2008

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