A very solid play is a well executed basketball play picked by Leigh Ellis of The Starters
...And he swings the ball around and his teammate knocks down the shot. That is a Very Solid Play 👍
Person who does not recall what she/he says. Makes silly remarks without noticing.
Mary said: "Doesn't she realise that she sounds silly at times? Sad la honestly."
Tom said: "don't bother, she has a NPBM no play back mode!"
Using both hands and at least one of your feet during masturbation
I was done using both hands so I decided to go for the unassisted triple play to end the night
A term for female masturbation
Since her boyfriend lives three hours away, Sally has become an expert at playing the skin banjo.
Is a term commonly referring to the intravenous use of cocaine with heroin or morphine in the same syringe.1 Some also use it with two syringes, one in each arm. can also be taken by insufflation. The original speedball used cocaine hydrochloride mixed with morphine sulfate, as opposed to heroin.2 The term can also be applied to use of pharmaceutical opioids, benzodiazepines or barbiturates along with substituted amphetamines. This cocktail of drugs can cause a strong physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms.
He messing with that kid n play (brown and that white)
A play made in year 3 by Chloe and Amy consisting of acting as keeley pooing significantly loud.
Would you like so see the keeley poo play?
Of course I do!
I hear Tiffany was playing the devil's kazoo after bible study yesterday