(1) A couch potato who can get off only by watching judges diss a singa.
(2) What happens while you gass in your new Hummer at ZERO MPG, sitting out a gas station traffic jam, waiting for oil to fall back under $6.66/gallon.
(3) What happened in the oval office when Dubya was prez.
That lazy ass ain't no dawg, he just gass himself with bean dip till he the next American idle. Kaboom!
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(Verb) The act of copulating with multiple partners, without the use of any form of protection as well as finishing inside your partner see cream pie.
Friend "Man last night I hooked up with this girl I totally didn't wrap it and I filled her up."
Me " Arent you worried about babies and, well you know AIDS?"
Friend " Nah man I love playing American Roulette!"
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Indigenous people of North America , previously called negro, colored, mulatto, lndian and American. Refered to themselves as Niiji, or tribal designation. Mistakenly referred to as descendants of Eastern Africa, or African Americans.
Black American need to be recognized for the Americans they are.
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Noun; It's like a school in America, except there's less shootings and better funding.
Bob: Hey, at least an American Prison is not like the schools here, amirite?
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A method, usually involving force, and sometimes involving the use of a straightener-outer or other such device, eg. a whip, used to bring the sinful heathen to their knees, for prayer, sex, general menial labor, or to pick produce up from the ground.
Jimbo: "Should I give 'em a wollup Jeff?"
Jefferson: "They ar kinda pickin slo today... You go on ahead an give 'em a richeous 'American wollup', ya hear. That'll get 'em inta gear.
Jimbo: "What about her?
Jefferson: "You send her 'round back to me... I'm gonna hafta gitma rod out and give her a proper wollupin' to straighten her out."
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Politically correct term for a tweeker
Those damn methican Americans keep breaking into my house
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