The most lassan Weaboo group on telegram
Bruh u saw those chats in The Anime Squad this morning , why are they Gae, so gae
A disruptive piece of shit animal that shoves pine cones up your septic system and has no disregard. Elusive and sneaky looking for a warm place to live yet disrupting other mammals in the process .
This piece of shit asshole animal plugged up my septic system
A good animator and an awesome Vtuber!!
Dave: Have you seen JohnSkill Animation's latest stream or art?
Michael: Yeah! Both were pretty good!
Animal Crossing is a game owned and released by Nintendo.
A game for zoophiles to play when they are bored
I miss my dog, time to play Animal Crossing!
An animalistic disgusting crack head / drug addict dirt bag who would do anything for a twist of crack.
That guy is a real crack animal. He’d sell out his own mother for a twist of crack.
An almost naked animal is someone who has almost been fully exposed.
Dude we have nearly exposed him for who he truly is. Right now he's an almost naked animal