When guys cum on a biscuit and the last one to cum has to eat it.
I'll challenge you to a glazed biscuit!
A term that when used gives people enormous power and strength for a short period of time.
When Larry was losing a fight a stranger yelled from a far always take the biscuit fam, Larry suddenly became a fucking Ninja Master and kicked the shit out of his opponents.
extraordinary or bloody brilliant
Contestant: How was my performance Simon Cowell
Simon Cowell: That performance was lemwiskit biscuit!
Contestant: wha-
Simon Cowell: *presses the golden buzzer*
Contestant: Wow I’m so happy but could somebody tell me what lemwiskit bisc-
Howie Mandel: woohoo
A word dumbass people use to make other dumbass people laugh.
Girl 1:fishy biscuit
Girl 2:*laughs*
To bump genitals that often leads to sexual encounters
Me and this girl were bumping biscuits in the back room.
A baby weened on buttermilk biscuits instead of the mother's milk.
My wife gets lightheaded if she doesn't eat enough biscuits throughout the day, because she is a biscuit baby.