When you are completely befuddled at a question you were just asked...
Frank had his Smoody Face after he was asked for the square root of 78.
when you see somebody so bad that all your face muscles constrict and you look hot as shit
bbl face
when a male or female rest one side of his/her arse on ones cheek.
get your god dam cheek of my face
Excessing piercings on someone's face.
Did you see Becky's new cheek piercings? I thought the eyebrow, lip, and nose rings were more than enough.
Yeah dude, she's got some serious face shrapnel going on.
a face-stalker who can conclude from their face-stalking what is going to happen to others
my face assumption is that he is going to get naked with her
When ever you shave your face and miss a small patch of hair that is very noticeable by others. It is called Face Lint.
Man 1: "Did you shave this morning?"
Man 2: "Yea why?"
Man 1: "Because you got a little face lint there."
An idiot, a bit of a tool. Usually directed towards a female in a flirty insulting way.
Cum face or sex face.
"I don't want to go out for lunch"
"Oh don't be a bonk face!"
"Brenda said I had a great bonk face last night when I spunked all over her tits"