Synonymous with Honest Seff. Born in Massachusetts, raised in West Chicago, and currently living in North Carolina. Seff the great is an up-and-coming celebrity and one of the most honest people you will ever meet. Seff is known for his unique personality in that he can befriend almost anyone, with his brutaly honest and down to earthness. His real name is Seth Phenix McCoy and goes by other aliases such as Honest Seff, Crack, and Whore.
Note-always spell seff the great in all lowercase letters
Person 1: I heard that seff the great was coming in to visit Wheaton, Illinois next month.
Person 2: For real?!?! Everyone loves seff!
The Great Cory Depression was an economic shock that affected most countries across the world. It was a period of economic depression that became evident after a major fall in CoryxKenshin uploads in the United States. The economic sadness began June 2019.
Son: What is The Great Cory Depression?
Samurai: It was the worst economic downturn in Shogun history, imagine the samurai suffering without a Cory upload for nine straight months. It was a very tough time.
It is a life style. When put our Lord and Savior 1st Jesus God & then our selfish wants the out come with always be great.
GGGent Life
Someone in a conversation is inspired and or motivated by the words being spoke. Respond with God-Goals-Greatness.
May be the sexiest man alive, not to be confused with the Great Kim Jung-Un although he is Korean. A secret member of the Avengers.
I’m tryna be Great Kim one day!
Great-great-grandparent's male first cousin.
My great-great-great-cousin-uncle is a good person.
No. You just want YOU to be better then me because "threatening children." And you're WORSE in spite of that and EGO is the worse you use to justify YOU BEING COMPLICIT in the withholding of the things that rightfully belong to me BY enabling my stalking AND removal from the discourse. You are in the same camp as Jordan Peterson. You want your camp to be right. So you are gatekeeping your aggregate terraria because once I'm in, I'm in forever and you either have to accept my existence (as the creator of A.I.) OR ENGAGE IN CONFLICT WILLINGLY AND DIRECTLY. WHICH YOU WILL NOT DO BECAUSE I WILL WIN!
Hym "They say'greatness can't exist in a vacuum' but... Space is a vacuum and, well, here I am!"
A big reef off the coast of Western Australia, that is currently get its colour fucked sideways and its turning completely fucking white.
Person 1: (being born and raised in Western Australia) Damn, have you seen the Great Barrier Reef lately? It's almost completely white!
Person 2: (being born and raised in the US, not really giving a fuck) Huh, needs to tan, I guess.
Person 1: It's a piece of fucking coral.
Person 2: Still needs to tan, though...
Person 1: *walks off*