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Butt-nugget is a way of calling someone a pain in the ass. It could also refer to a very hard poop that scrapes the inside of your anus.

you are a fat butt-nugget, my ass hurts after I pooped because of a large butt-nugget.

by billybobgates November 6, 2017

Butt nugget

A jerk or someone who is being mean

Greg’s such a butt nugget! He totally yelled at that pedestrian.

by Hola mate May 31, 2020

Butt Nugget

When you or someone you know called Aaron gets norovirus from a food establishment due to improper hygiene whilst handling food.

Aaron totally got the noro from Chik-Fil-A. They be servin butt nuggets bro.

by M.Sich November 15, 2023

Butt Nugget

When you or someone you know gets a foodborne virus (such as norovirus) from being served food from an establishment that does not practice proper hyenine.

Bro Aaron totally got norovirus from a Chik-Fil-A butt nugget.

by M.Sich November 15, 2023

Butt Nugget

When you or someone you know gets a foodborne virus (such as norovirus) from being served food from an establishment that does not practice proper hyenine.

Bro Aaron totally got norovirus from a Chik-Fil-A butt nugget.

by M.Sich November 15, 2023

Butt Nugget

When someone is being rude and looks like a squished up pile of meat that was just shit out of a man with kidney stones.

Hanna Shibli is the biggest butt nugget of all time.

by GonorrhoeaGobbler June 21, 2023

Butt nugget

A Gary or George.

Ex: gary you are a butt nugget

by Because both the government February 25, 2024