Source Code

Gene Alan Harris

Gene Alan Harris a term for the highest level of shock and awe. A friendly substitute for “Jesus H Christ”. It is also for the more serious situations.

“They just launch a nuke right at us”
Soft/Trembling Voice “ Well Gene Alan Harris”

by Carl Long March 22, 2022

Doing a Harry Potter

Leaving the girl you have a crush on to your best friend for instead being able to make out with his sister.

A: "Did your hear that John is now dating Ryan's sister?"
B: "Well, Ryan is in a relationship with the girl John had a crush on, so I assume John was doing a Harry Potter."

by Bundesandler September 9, 2018

Pulling a jake harris

Someone that seeks attention and tries to get with every girl in his dms and fakes being sad for attention

He’s pulling a jake harris

by Ihatejakeharris May 6, 2022

Harry Potter arms

Arms that lack any muscle tone; possibly related to spending too much time focusing on wizardry and not on getting swole.

"No more Harry Potter arms, bro. It's time to get in the gym and start making some gains."

-Rubeus Hagrid

by AnotherTampaOriginal October 5, 2017

Harry-DON Philly

An absolute Chad. Will absolutely destroy you if necessary. Pretty sure he was a god at some point. Not even Italian but still a mafia boss. Grinds coffee like a God damn soldier.

That guy killed my dad but it's okay because he's friends with Harry-DON Philly.


Pulling a Harry Windsor.

A Narcissists who is notorious for blaming everyone and everything around them for their bad luck or behaviour’Even thought they caused it them self.

A Winging weak-minded and weak willed bitter man who subservient to an over baring woman. There for resents everyone outside his Bubble.
Generally a bitter simp and Bata male.

Also known as giving it a Duke of Sussex.

Pulling a Harry Windsor.

“it’s your fault everyone hates me for doing the stuff I did. If it wasn’t for you etc”.

“Ah stop it ya melt! You’re pulling a Harry Windsor again”.


Its there fault I don’t get promoted, it’s not my fault I didn’t work hard enough.

Wife, shut up Harry Windsor and get back under the stairs where you belong. Speak when you are told to.

Husband, yes dear , right away dear. Sniff sniff.

by Sabre strike. January 7, 2023

fine line harry

fine line era of the worlds sexiest man, harry styles

I cried myself to sleep last night thinking about fine line harry.

by yassification girlboss May 7, 2022