Something everyone tries to ignore but which has gotten much worse than just the elephant.
It was somewhat easier, they all thought, to just continue to pretend not to smell the horrific, near paralyzing stench of the elephant turd in the room.
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King George the Turd (jorj thuh turd) NOUN. George Walker Bush, 43rd president of the United States. See also, "Turd Reich."
This country is a scatocracy, the biggest shits rise to the top. That's how we wound up with King George the Turd.
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something that is not very appealing.
Elisabeth: Let's paint this room purple with yellow stripes!
Tom: That's going to look like a Turd on a White Rag!
Newton's Turd Law is a physical law described by Isaac Newton, a 16th-century British physicist and mathematician, dedicated to describing the kinetic behavior of a semi-rigid externally unconstrained fecal system of particles forming a semi-rigid body, otherwise known as a Turd. Specifically, this law focuses on the behavior of a Turd post-freefall collision.
This law is part of a set, known colloquially as Newton's Laws, collectively discovered by Newton when observing that his Turds accelerated downwards and not sideways or diagonal.
This law states that 'for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction'.
Newton's Turd Law is the explanation for water splashback when taking a shit, why larger shits have appropriately larger splashbacks, and why gigantic shits could break the toilet.
We are looking forward to hosting the prestigious international physics-chemistry conference in which participants will have the opportunity to present experimental data and physical samples involving Newton's Turd Law.
If you poop in my bedroom, I will be forced by the physical law of nature known as Newton's Turd Law to defecate in your bedroom, equally by total quantity in volume, assuming a similar density of substance.
When your turds hit the water at such a great speed that the shitty toilet water takes flight in buckets back at your ass cheeks.
Frank: How did your shit go?
Darryl: I had "Turd buckets in flight" again.
Frank: Damn, did you clean up?
Darryl: I air dried that shit
Frank: Good job fat ass.
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1. Any form of a Zack (annoying type of person who dosen't know much).
2. A ZACK who takes stuff without asking and later claims it was his to begin with.
3. A person living in Massachusetts worthy of the nick-name "Mass-Hole" may also be a "turd-burglar" if he/she is really that ignorant.
4. A young ZACK who thinks he/she is "all-that" but in reality only amounts to the worth of a penny in terms of brain function.
I asked ZACK where he got that thing and he said "it's mine, leave me alone!" What a Turd-Burglar!
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The art of dropping a deuce "inconspicuously" with the bathroom door open, the lights off, and under the assumption that no one knows you're in there . Typically Free Range Turders are caught in the act; the perpetrator resembles a deer in headlights.
Ahahaha I just caught Kaysi Free Range Turding... again.
If I have to see one more Free Range Turd go down in this house, Imma lose my damn mind!
FRTer ( fur - tur )
Once a FRTer always a FRTer...
Warning to any FRTers, I'm turning on the lights
I can't hear anything, but it sure smells like a Free Range Turd
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