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twat mop

any rag used after sex to clean up the "mess".

Lynn snacthed up a twat mop to wipe her cunt before she got off the bed.

by S. Michael November 12, 2007

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clot mop

Tampax tampon sanitary towel.

Man, the beach was utterly discusting, all sorts; used clot mops, skin willies and logs of shit

by Brucester September 16, 2006

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mop jockey

n. Person, most commonly hispanic males, that decided to persue the Custodial Arts as their career of choice. See also janitor or squeegee master.

We all want to graduate from high school so we don't have to become mop jockeys or jizz moppers.

by Birdielin14 August 21, 2006

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dolly mop

Amateur prostitute. (obsolete)

It was rumored that the famous actress Maud Adams was a dolly mop before going down big in the theater.

by Nelly Scratch January 15, 2007

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cock mop

This is a woman... or a man that loves to fuck anything anytime! They will go so far as to "mop" the cum off one dick and hit another without missing a beat. They are often seen in porno movies.

Dude, that filthy animal is a cock mop if I've ever seen one!

by TDP411 February 28, 2008

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take mop

seize the means of production.

seize: take
means of production: MoP

worker 1: Wow, our job sucks.
worker 2: Take mop?
worker 1: Hahaha. Yes, comrade.

by Vykrij August 6, 2020

Wolly mopped

Wolly mopping or to be molly wopped is where a girl has your hair in one hand and is uppercutting you with the other.

Did you see Natasha she just wolly mopped that girl

by Rainbowdrops2122 January 9, 2018