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Superior Mormon Mansplaining

When a mormon man treats not only women, but also non-mormons as if they are stupid.

When John addressed me this afternoon, his tone suggested that he was superior mormon mansplaining.

by Jubilee Sparks January 31, 2019


Mansplain (verb): When a man attempts to explain something to a woman in an authoritative and condescending manner, even though what is being is explained is already understood by that woman as a result of her professional expertise and/or lived experiences, due to a sexist belief that a woman always needs to be told by man how something really works, or in an attempt to undermine the seriousness of sexist behavior and reinforce male authority.

As in, β€œHe mansplained the pain of child birth as beautiful to my sister who had just given birth to her daughter.”

Or, β€œMost of the Urban Dictionary definitions for mansplain are clear attempts to mansplain away a sexist way of talking to women and sexism in general."

by Chris inCO October 22, 2017

9πŸ‘ 1208πŸ‘Ž


(Of a man) To explain something to a woman in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing. What sets mansplaining apart from a man simply explaining something or giving an opinion is that the mansplainer typically has less knowledge of the topic than the party he is explaining it to, but has assumed that because she is female she cannot comprehend the topic as well as a man could.

Exampes of what is NOT mansplaining:

1) A man explaining how to use a power tool to a woman who needs help using it.
2) A man expressing an opinion on a subjective topic or engaging in a debate with a woman about a topic about which they have similar levels of knowledge

Examples of what IS manplaining:

1) A man who has no formal knowledge of automobile repairs explaining to his female mechanic how an engine works.

2) A man who has never studied gynecology explaining to a woman how she should feel when she is on her period.

Female physicist: "I was giving a lecture on Thermodynamics at the university, and afterwards this guy who had taken one class on the subject pulled me aside and tried to mansplain my own theories to me."

by CrayolaCastle October 14, 2017

9πŸ‘ 1225πŸ‘Ž


Mansplaining is, at its core, a very specific thing. It's what occurs when a man talks condescendingly to someone (especially a woman) about something he has incomplete knowledge of, with the mistaken assumption that he knows more about it than the person he's talking to does. A common mistake.

A man who has seen a couple superhero movies gives a long explanation of Spiderman to a woman who has read all the comics and seen all the Marvel movies. He may be right, but she doesn't need the explanation, and his assumption that she wouldn't know the basics seems offensive to her. He has mansplained Spiderman to a comic nerd.

by Well, September 14, 2017

9πŸ‘ 1265πŸ‘Ž


A delightful mixture of privilege and ignorance that leads to condescending, inaccurate assertions of sexism, delivered with the rock-solid conviction of rightness and that slimy certainty that of course "he must be sexist, because he is the man in this conversation".

Man- "I just think that insults designed to undermine and ridicule one particular group of people based on their sex are are inherently unjustifiable and..."
Karen Healy- "don't mansplain "mansplaining" to me you sexist bastard!"

by insertwittyscreenname May 19, 2017

9πŸ‘ 1283πŸ‘Ž


To mansplain is to interrupt a female's speech in a condescending fashion, only to interject sexist, redundant, or belittling remarks into a conversation with no actual benefit to either person in said conversation.

"So there I was, discussing with the mechanic the issues I had been having with my transmission, when my boyfriend jumps in and starts mansplaining to us about how combustion engines work. He wasted a good 15 minutes of her time....."

by SaffronTangerine September 14, 2017

7πŸ‘ 1184πŸ‘Ž


When a man attempts to explain, make a suggestion, give advice, or come to a conclusion on a topic highly pertaining to something females are much more well-versed in. Such topics include, but are not limited to: female anatomy, women’s clothing and shoes, beauty products, etc.

Some use the term β€œmansplaining” in every context in which a male tries to explain something he is not an expert in. As the author of this definition, I believe the word should be more exclusive to when males try to explain something relating to females.

Him: No, girls pee out of their vagina!
Her: Are you trying to mansplain my own anatomy to me! You bigot! Girls pee out of their urethra, which is another hole separate from the vagina!

Him: Girls only wear high heels because they’re insecure about their height and wish they were taller.

Her: Don’t try to mansplain why I chose to dress this way! Some women wear heels because they feel like a BOSS BITCH in them! Slay queen

by ExcellentShine7175 August 4, 2023