When you smoke so much reefer all you want to do is trip out on music. When you are so high you can see the music.
She was weaving back and forth to the music and he realized she was Jefferson Airplane stoned. Johnny then had an evil vs good battle with himself about whether or not he was going to take advantage of her in this moment.
Very kind, Handsome, strong muscular human being. Sexy asf. Horny 25/8. Best father in the word, ladies man, hard working, interesting, very smart and intelligent, loves to watch anime, Can do math, future language arts teacher, sexy asf
I would fuck the shit outta Jefferson.
A Person that works on urban dictionary. He can help you by chatting with you online. But some people mock him and keep asking the same questions like me :) And I oop, I just spilled the tea :)))) Also did I mention he works in my school and shoots dirty look in the hallways??!! Wow I really am lucky.
Doesn't like attention is kinda shy, he can really get u mad withought trying. center of the universe for no reason. KA88
slide the books. chess player. gardener, lechero and engineer. God blesss u ;) SSSSSSSssssssssssssssssssssssssss caille
averrrrrrrrrrrrrr Clown K
"jefferson really didn't like me" ur annoying and ill see u in the
A beautiful girl who doesn't care about herself and loves other unconditionally and just wants to show everyone that she is someone. And is every confident
Dang she is confident must be a Jefferson
Jefferson is a funny person with s huge ass dick
Wow jefferson got a huge ass dick!!
The guy you see when you need to ask a question. He is The best guy you will ever know he is so good at listing to you and when you ask a question HE ANSWERS and he is a total catch
DId you see jefferson last night he was so hot
Thanks for the answers jefferson