A carpet company with a catchy and memorable jingle
800-588-2300, Empire Today!
The Potato Empire is a glorious empire built by potato lovers in which they HATE Idaho. They also hate zoophiles and MAPs, and have killed many of them. JOIN US....
the Potato Empire is AMAZING.
Disney Empire is an empire that basically buys anything they see. It's capital is Orlando
Warner Bros is fighting for their very existence right now against the Disney Empire
Emperor Big Chungus of Warner Bros: Please do not buy me
An excellent example of a Garry's Mod Star Wars Roleplay server, done right. Prevailing over other communities due to it's excellent support.
Hey Tucker from Empire Gaming why are you such a minge?
It's in my nature *Cheeky grin*
Hey Staticiser can you do some lua for Empire Gaming?
WhAt LuA 0_0
Hey rooster can you run an event?
Hey Kix, mind if you help me with the Empire Gaming Website?
Sure, I'll solve your error now.
Hey Mega, I love Empire Gaming!
Of course you do ya gronk!
Hey Dragz who's your favourite singer?
The Empire is ruled over by Rafael, Tyrone, and Chase that rules most of the world, and has the biggest GDP. They hate the Groks--who oppose them, the barbarians--because it is ruled by Kamryn (Tyrone's greatest enemy), but they are cool with the Celds.
I love The Tyronium Empire!
A very overpriced game that only prostitutes can afford. The people are cool to be with except for a few roaches.
A truck group that is growing rapidly by the day. They are chill people with decent trucks.
Southern Styles looks shitty compared to Coastal Empire.