1. a mask or respirator for the nose only, allowing the mouth/tongue to be used for the servicing of presumably maloderous female genitalia. Mask is of the 'hose and bag', M42 or 'WWI' style as most protective filters are too large to be inserted in the nostrils. 2. (field expediant) a pair of BCG's (Wiley SG-1's) and two cigarette filters, field stripped, inserted in the nostrils. 3. a necessity when warming up a female for coitus who has been away from base camp (and soap/water) for 3 days plus...
Cpl. Ernie: "I got that new blond E-3 in the back of the Frankenstein last night."
Spec. Burt: "Oh yeah, how was she?"
Cpl. Ernie:"Fuck-tastic, but she smelled so bad, I needed a GASH MASK."
Reference to a disgusting females vagina that smells like she bathes in garbage.
That nasty bitch Sam got a Trash Gash
The tacky discharge found in the gusset and on rancid, infected lips. Can be the result of a queef. Not to be confused with whistling gorilla dribble. That's a whole other orifice.
She had gash flu dribbling down her leg and it stained my chinos......
You could smell her fish gash after she took off her panties.
The act of releasing urine from a female's genitals.
'I'm just nipping off for a gash leak'.
Sanitary towel. A sheet of plasticky cotton-wool with wings on it that you buy from the chemist, put inside womens undergarmetnts in order to catch all the bloody mess that comes out of the vagina during lady-time
Dude#1: Phew! Whats that smell?
Dude#2: Oh it's just Stacey. I think it's time to change her gash plaster.
1.Alternative method of payment to Cash in Strip Clubs during private dances. Refered to ironically. The swiping of a Credit Card against a womans shaven Gash to process the payment.
2.Feminine offering; offering sex as payment as a alternative to Cash
Stipper: Do you want more?
Nick: I dont have any cash right now; can I use my Gash card instead?
Landlord: I have come to collect the rent
Karen: Im broke; do you take Gash?
Landlord: Why, yes I do.