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McCain Shuffle

Reversing all of one's previous political positions in a last-ditch effort to be nominated for President by a major political party.

Usually happens to a once-principled Republican who sells his or her soul to the fringe right to survive the primary process at the end of his or her career.

Romney really pulled a McCain Shuffle--first he was for an individual mandate, then abandoned RomneyCare when it looked like it might hurt his candidacy.

by DaemonXar June 14, 2011

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The Berkley Shuffle

A dance that is done at Berkley High School in Berkley, Michigan.

This dance is always played as the last number at Homecoming, Prom, or etc. It's cue starts when Mr. Daas sings "Freshmen! Sophomores!" in the Berkley Rally Song. At that point, you hit your pelvis region and then throw your hands in the air and make a 'lasso' motion.

In order to perform this dance, everyone MUST be wearing eyeliner and have their hair in a perm.

Wow, that The Berkley Shuffle really hurt my pelvis.

by musettawaltz24 October 15, 2006

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An orgy consisting of only fat people.

Nah, I'm having a Blubber-Shuffle tonight.

by Matt-C-118 April 2, 2011

Safeway shuffle

When one enters a Safeway, he/she walks directly into the bakery section, grabs a doughnut, and proceeds to walk around the store eating said doughnut and shopping.

Yesterday, Nick did the Safeway shuffle.

by Nickie P January 20, 2012

The Shuffle Effect

When playing an Ipod or MP3 player on shuffle and perfect songs come on for your mood and/or situation.

"I just smoked a joint and was walking down Penny Lane, when Penny Lane by the Beatles came on my Ipod."

"Dude, the Shuffle Effect just happened to me on the way over here!"

by BigJoe38025 November 4, 2009

shuffle juice

When you buy a drink at a bar, proceed to walk to the dance floor, pour some of the drink you just bought onto the floor, for the sole purpose of creating a surface with which shuffle upon.

Hey Harrison, sweet shuffling bro!

Thanks, it's all down to the shuffle juice I just spent ยฃ4 on.

by Dean Windass December 16, 2015

Largactyl Shuffle

Used predominantly by inmates and prisoners to discribe "Thorazine Shuffle".

Discribes the unusual movements and walk attributed to the effects of the chemical sedative Thorazine.

Thorazine was used widely in 80s and 90s in both America and UK prison and mental health facilities and asylums.

The term is now used and referenced to by some mental health charities and support groups.

That guys got the Largactyl Shuffle!

by Gregstarandgoff August 26, 2018