Just like a double rainbow, only with half the rainbow, half the tears, and half the intense orgasm. Also known as a "rainbow". When people see a single rainbow, they don't start crying or singing, but instead go "hey look a rainbow" and then continue on with their lives.
Person 1: single rainbow all the way, across the sky... YEAAH-
Person 2: It doesn't work like that...
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Rainbow Child Is a spiritually aware person who has a strong connection with the divine creator/god. They are said to have an old soul (most born in the 1970's) with spiritual gifts such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, or clairsentences. Usually a rainbow child will have a special talent in fine arts of some sort, such as art, music, dance ect. They are said to bring peace and love to earth during the transition of times on the earth. Such a person can also be identified by the unique indigo color found in their auras and they have astonishingly beautiful eyes.
The child expressed such unconditional love making me believe she/he was a rainbow child.
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The place girls go when they orgasm.
I took her on a trip to Rainbow Country
When you eat too many skittles, and then you throw up.
Damn bro, you really ate all those skittles?
Yea- 'throws up'
Ooh that's pretty bad, you're puking rainbows!
How to reading rainbow someone: Tell the person that you’re speaking with something interesting to the point where they are genuinely interested in the topic. When you reach the point where you think the person is most interested in what you have to say and asks you a question about the topic, respond by saying “Read the damn book…ba da da.” (3 note tune that is played in the actual show when a kid would give a book report and cut you off mid-story leaving you in serious suspense). Then inform them that they just got reading rainbowed. You can switch it up and when someone doesn’t believe what you’re telling them; respond by saying “But you don’t have to take my word for it, read the damn book…ba da da."
Tom: Did you know that it’s possible to slow down time when you’re traveling at the speed of light?
Mike: No way, that’s not even possible.
Tom: Yes it is, there have been a lot of studies done on it.
Mike: Wow, how did they figure that out?
Tom: Read the damn book son…ba da da.
Mike: Huh?
Tom: You just got reading rainbowed.
Rainbow washing is when companies slap rainbows on a teeshirt to sell for 20 dollars during pride month while not actually helping the LGBTQ community.
Company: Buy our new #Slay hoodie for 20 dollars to support pride month!
Person 1: As a bi man, what are you doing to actually help the community?
company: Well... we made our logo rainbow, tweeted "Love is love" and designed a rainbow hoodie.
Person 1: I asked you what you are doing to help. Rainbow washing helps nobody.
Company: Well... we hire LGBTQ employees.
Person 1: 7% of your staff is LGBTQ, they have no workplace discrimination protections, trans healthcare is not covered, you make ppl wear gendered uniforms, you fired someone for coming out as gay back in 2014, and you donated 2 million dollars to anti-gay lawmakers.
Company: Well... Happy pride anyways!
Slang for what a military member gets when using 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' to get out of military service by being or pretending to be homosexual.
'Hey, did you hear? Jake got out with a Rainbow Chit.'
'I didn't know Jake was gay.'
'He's not. But the Captain doesn't know that.'