Source Code

Nick Manuds

Who is this man?

Where is he from?

Or what is he?

Some say he’s god

Others say it’s an obvious prank

Nobody knows

Chad: Hey Pierson

Pierson: Yes chad?

Chad: Have you heard of nick manuds?
Pierson: No

by Knee-gauze October 1, 2021

A Nick Huston Classic

When you shit in your hands and clap while singing ITS CORN

I gave her a Nick Huston classic yesterday

by The most special special June 28, 2023


having to much nicotine in you body is called nickness

Nicotine (Nic)

idiot 1: bro idiot 7 is has nickness
idiot 2: who
idiot 1: idiot 7
idiot 2: no who asked
*idiot 1 stuffs a knife up idiot 2's throat

by Mohammed Qahtani June 15, 2022

Nick language

Nick language - They don’t generally talk a lot as a species but their vocabulary consists of;

Word, Respect, Loo, Good man, Lmfao

Dude 1: Word
Dude 2: Omg bro wtf r u sayin you must be talkin Nick language

by Cheekylittlebumwank September 9, 2020

Nick Lapidus

Simply put, he is the big guy. He’s large and in charge and will steal you’re girl while you stand there and helplessly watch.

Oh look ladies, there’s the big guy, Nick Lapidus... oh god oh fuck someone get a mop!

by Boogermaster69 February 9, 2021

Nick’s Pizza’ed

When you get called by Nick’s Pizza from the prankhotline.com prank.

Bryce got Nick’s Pizza’ed during his fortnite match think it was Carter calling him to play duos.

by Mrcdogs20 June 28, 2021

Nick Carter

The sexiest man alive.
(Also a Backstreet Boy)

"Who is your favorite Backstreet Boy?"
"Nick Carter. 100%."

by nicksmissamerica January 15, 2023