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Dirty Karma

When you get fucked in the ass really hard and your partner pulls out and cums on your pinky toe

We did the Dirty Karma yesterday night.

by GlassIceCube February 2, 2022

dirty purch

When the Purch licks her butt hole. Puts his finger in her ass until her feet come off the ground.

I’m still sore from the dirty Purch

by Dirty Purch December 14, 2021

Dirty DeSanchez

It’s a Dirty Sanchez intentionally worn to “own” some other person or group, but for a reason completely unrelated to the Dirty Sanchez.

Ron proudly wore his Dirty DeSanchez, telling anyone who dared tell him he had shit on his upper lip they were fat shaming him and demanding an apology.

by Ron DeSanchez January 11, 2022

Dirty whiskey

When a bunch of drunk men want to try something new and take shots of whiskey off each other’s exposed anus’

“We got so drunk last night that Hannah has video evidence of us doing a Dirty Whiskey!”

by YourrQueen December 14, 2020

Dirty breydon

When a fag kicks another fag forcing him to bone a shark therefore making a shark human combo who the bones the other gay dude and everyone walks away happy

My uncle did a dirty breydon when he was younger

by Bobsroom July 1, 2020

dirty louie

when you shit on a girls forehead and she uses it as a face mask

me and Elizabeth just did a dirty Louie and she stunk after

by negrooooballsaa July 4, 2023

2👍 1👎

dirty googler

A college student in an online course who googles every answer throughout the semester.

Bad student: (Highlights test question, "Search Google for...", Ctrl+F)

by dirtygoogler December 4, 2019