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putting up the four

if someone puts up a four, it means saleem is the coolest dude ever

Saleem was putting up the four, he is the coolest guy ever.

by saleemthedream August 7, 2022

Grow up

You watch fucking TikTok for a living and you only exist because I spoke you into existence.

Hym "Nah bitch... I do not need to grow up. Me growing up has nothing to do with me being adequately compensated for services rendered, your status being elevated arbitrarily, or others being promoted preferentially. And that's what I'm talking about here. Those three things. Me doing things other than what I'm currently doing has nothing to do with any of that. YOU go work in the factory bitch. Older women than you already there. They love me (as long as I'm on Adderall).

by Hym Iam April 15, 2023

Big up di lol

Big up =(noun) origin - jamaican 1980s. singular and plural.

di lol= the laugh out loud

It's an expression of support a joke or funny story that somebody told.
You can use this word before, while, after or instead laughing

"Big up di lol on that funny joke/story/situation"

by Arvella87 January 25, 2018

Shut Up Elon

The daily prayer for young people who set their location as a gender.

Statement is made when something threatens their identity. Such as a wealthy person sharing memes, in their view wealthy people aren’t allowed because of their background.

Very often these Individuals haven’t learnt of their own history nor understand how economics works, thus the daily bark at the wealthy on a free app.

Elon shared a meme

A teen/young adult: Shut the fuck up Elon or Shut Up Elon

by kakapoopooaccount April 4, 2021

Turn it up

This means let’s go party. The phrase originated from Kim Taehyung on American Hustle Life.

Hyungs and Jungkookie turn it up.

by Jin’s worldwide dick June 3, 2020

Asshole throw-up

The act of sitting on the toilet and nothing but diarrhea comes out.

I felt the urge to use #2, but then i sat on the toilet all I felt was asshole throw-up!

by Texas Shithouse Poet April 13, 2019

holding up 4’s

holding up 4 fingers mean that you are one fine hispanic beaner🫡🫡

did you see the picture she posted holding up 4’s!”

by fine beaner October 30, 2022