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bit of a creep, makes weird ass jokes but can be quite chill. Can't keep his hands to himself. But a decent guy to be around.

Man, that guy is a weird ass, but chill dude. He's a Mark.

by bojo74(i aint real BOJO October 2, 2023


Officially has the worlds smallest penis. Max thinks he has a smaller one but he is no competition the the spec of a penis Mark has.

Can you believe Max thinks he has a penis as small as Mark?

by Tiny pp gang November 22, 2021


A rather quiet dude who likes to listen music and play video games. He does not being around talkative people will ignore you and your feelings , it is best to leave mark alone and let him enjoy his quiet time, if there is a mark in your life he most likely is an introvert and doesn't want to talk to you, please leave him alone

nigg: oh hi mark did u watch the ballgame yesterday?
Mark: I don't like sports go bother somebody else with ur bullshit, i'm tired

by khun of the croissant November 22, 2021


Marks are deceiving and disgusting. Get away from Marks.

"Do you know Mark?"
"Ya he cheats on everyone"

by imrightdealwithit October 18, 2021


Male version of a Karen.

That guy is being a real douchebag. He's acting like a Mark. I wonder if his mother was a Karen.

by Sunshizzle81 September 24, 2021


Mark is a hot, smart guy that doesn't have any limits. He gets all the women and anyone should be jealous of him.
He can be annoying but if your his friend he'll always have your back. In summary, a Mark is a Mark

"How is Mark so hot?"
"Look at those abs; now thats a Mark"

by G0h5t R1d3r November 23, 2021


A very fine young gentleman in the 8th grade.

Mark is fine.

by aSchwiftyPickle November 25, 2021