Source Code

MuahLonnBexplosion show in little AMERICA doubjrag BeJripyTomBLack

explosion 🧨 🧨 🧨 🧨 🧨 🧨 🧨 🧨 🧨 🧨 show in little AMERICA doubjrag bejripytomblack ninja 🥷. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine.

I invented and made and created muahlonnbexplosion show in little AMERICA doubjrag bejripytomblack. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine.

by Lonnie Benningfield junior mar August 5, 2024

Punch and Judy Show

When a bodybuilder anally fists two petite women and moves them around like puppets with one bashing the other with a large dildo shouting ‘that’s the way to do it’

I had an amazing night at the gym last night, Dave put on an amazing Punch and Judy show with two of the gym skanks

by Moistcurtains81 June 21, 2024


The act of cupping or fondling one's testicles. The word is derived from the practice of dog show judges physically displaying male dog's testicles during competition.

1.) My girlfriend was show-dogging me right there in the movie theater. 2.) My brother has no manners - he walked out of his room this morning, show-dogging himself in front of everyone.

by adguy70 March 14, 2014

Show the angles right

A saying someone uses when they want another person to send a hot or good looking pic of them sometimes even explicit photos, abs etc.

For example

Girl: *sends picture of her face

Boy: “show the angles right
Girl: *sends picture of her breasts

by The mysterious viper January 5, 2023

National show me your boobs day

Show your boobs to your special someone on Feb 27th!

hey baby is national show me your boobs day ;)

by deezuts7777 February 28, 2023

National Show me your boobs day

Show me your boobs day is on April 29th

Go up to a girl and tell em its national show me your boobs day!

"Hey ally show me your boobs baby it's national show me your boobs day ;)"

by Kid King Kobra April 29, 2022

show dairy

To show your tits

Wait, did you show dairy at the bar the other night?

Yeah, I got a free shirt and everything.

by October 13, 2023