1 - When a guy is so god damn skinny, that you can literally punch him and he'll be crying for his mommy
2 - When a girl has a super flat ass
Literally that guy's a twig ass. I can take him down by just slapping him
Usually implying some level of homosexuality. A funny term used to describe someone who "drops the soap."
You're such a Soap Ass! Ha ha.
When you fart but u actually blow a load of shit out your booty hole
I blew a wet ass fart in your mom
A phrase used when somebody in an FPS is being a pussy ass bitch and staying inside their little safety building and doing absolutely nothing until a guy comes by just to laser them or more commonly, snipe them.
"Bro this man is a pussy ass camper!"
me: ur a sorry ass niga
logan: never say that again
me: LMAO
logan: shut the fuck up bitch
me: sorry ass nigga
logan: :( dont say that because it hurts my feelings
me: what even is a sorry ass nigga
*looks it up on urban dictionary*
logan: I wish I could say that word ;(
Originating from no one ever, a big ass noodle is basically a very large piece pasta.
The big ass noodle was obviously a big ass noodle.
my ass. It is just a longer part of your back.
Person:What is a flat ass?
Me: My ass.