Not having very good chances. From the origin of basketball and throwing garbage in to a garbage can when it obviously won't fit.
Howard: Are you going to throw that out?
Noel: just going to toss it from here
Howard: that won't fit, you have a cup shot at that!
followed by a miss
When you crush up nilla wafers and put em in a asshole, and carry on to eat it
Yeah, dude. She left me because apparently putting nilla wafers in a girls ass is asking too much. Just wanna freak that likes nilla cups.
When a cup “already out” in beer pong is made, the thrower chooses a person to dance for a whole turn.
HA! Side cup Jimmy, Dance bitch
XD: woah it’s butt(er) cup
that’s the meaning of butt er cup
Cup Brownie: To put feces in ones hand and push the hand into another person face and laugh.
"Hey Fred, did you Cup Brownie John the other day"
"I certainly did Cup Brownie John"
A stolen trophy that Pessi and Argentina stoled in the daytime! The 2022 World Cup was rigged asf!
Did the Rigged World Cup fell off? Yes
3👍 1👎
When Scottish people realise they are Scottish and suddenly feel depressed.
Oh Will, is it true? Am I really Scottish? Thats really put me in your cups.