Pronaunced: Huffin-uh-cup
Huffing A Cup: To Be Extremely Angry In Place Of Calmness.
Man we were at the beach yesterday, and this guy was Huffing a Cup.
Greg was Huffing a Dam cup at the party lastnight.
This is a game to be played at home with your friends, 3 or more people.
Everyone starts by jizzing into a central cup, everyone writes there names down and puts them in a hat. you than leave the cup in the centre for a couple of hours.
Later that evening a name is drawn out of a hat, whoevers name it is has to drink the cup.
The name comes from when the person insists they didnt put there name in and they should just redraw.
I was at giles house the other night and we played The Triwizard Cup, thats the 5th time i have lost in a row!
When two girls touch vaginas, no movement.
Are you down to try suction cupping with me?
The correct unit for measuring ham.
Maddie - "I'm so full, I ate like four cups of ham at dinner. How many cups of ham did you eat?"
Ian - "I only ate about one cup of ham."
When you fart on your hand and wipe it across a friends face.
I had a nasty fart so I guff cupped it into deacons face
A cup filled with bananas. Not to be confused or used when referencing a Banana Pudding Cup.
"I have a banana cup, it is filled with bananas... not banana pudding."