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Huffing a Cup

Pronaunced: Huffin-uh-cup

Huffing A Cup: To Be Extremely Angry In Place Of Calmness.

Man we were at the beach yesterday, and this guy was Huffing a Cup.

Greg was Huffing a Dam cup at the party lastnight.

by ryanSPARKS December 12, 2009

The Triwizard Cup

This is a game to be played at home with your friends, 3 or more people.

Everyone starts by jizzing into a central cup, everyone writes there names down and puts them in a hat. you than leave the cup in the centre for a couple of hours.

Later that evening a name is drawn out of a hat, whoevers name it is has to drink the cup.

The name comes from when the person insists they didnt put there name in and they should just redraw.

I was at giles house the other night and we played The Triwizard Cup, thats the 5th time i have lost in a row!

by DirtyMikee May 24, 2016

Suction Cupping

When two girls touch vaginas, no movement.

Are you down to try suction cupping with me?

by MamaMia1982 June 22, 2024

Cup of Ham

The correct unit for measuring ham.

Maddie - "I'm so full, I ate like four cups of ham at dinner. How many cups of ham did you eat?"

Ian - "I only ate about one cup of ham."

by Evil Monkey 651 December 25, 2011

guff cup

When you fart on your hand and wipe it across a friends face.

I had a nasty fart so I guff cupped it into deacons face

by Ob303 February 23, 2024

Hefty Cup

A very hefty cup. Everything else is inferior.

Hey can I have a Hefty Cup?

by skeetertherat February 25, 2022

Banana Cup

A cup filled with bananas. Not to be confused or used when referencing a Banana Pudding Cup.

"I have a banana cup, it is filled with bananas... not banana pudding."

by AetherPrime November 21, 2012