A ham is an object, person, word, or phrase in media that shows up once and becomes important later down the line.
The term comes from the 2019 Invader Zim movie, Enter the Florpus, where a literal ham was introduced into the story and later on was used in the final battle.
"Now pay close attention to that ham, cuz it's not the last time you're gonna see that ham in the story." ... "See? There's that ham again."
"God, I had no idea the cat was gonna be a ham. It makes so much sense now."
It’s just the Normal way of saying sIlLy lItTlE bAkA anyone can be a ham but they also less retarded then “those” type of people
Sam:Dude Mikey stop being A ham my guy
Miles:don’t you mean silly little Baka dude?
Sam:The actually fuck miles? Are you one of “those” type of people?
Mikey:heh you guy are Such A hame
Sam and Miles:Oh Mikey! *laughs dramatically*
The act of ejaculating into a ham
I had an interesting conversation with my uncle about ham boning
Tha shit dat ribgy done it a tv show in da 2000s
imma ham boning youuuuu