Saying something harsh, usually out of anger to someone in an online forum, post, or comment that you probably wouldn't say to them in person. Similar to road rage.
Jerry exhibited web rage when he admonished his friend in a Facebook comment.
When you get really angry because there's inflation, but your nominal wage doesn't adjust
Damn it Peter, inflation is at 4% but I still earn as much as last year. I got such a wage rage!
When you rage on a keyboard so hard it brakes.
Dammn boiii, u key raging so hard i got cancer!
Last night, Michael key raged with his dick because he got noscooped.
Medical condition where symptoms frequently include, but are not limited to: Agression, sudden outbursts of a frequently profane nature, random acts of agression towards innocent bystanders or inanimate objects - may border on violence. Pained look in the eyes and late stages include crying, sobbing and lethargy. Persons afflicted by this are typically owners of AndROID phones, the condition is often triggerede when you owner is no longer able to update his mobile due to insufficient memory (Also see Burn Phone).
What do you mean I have ROID RAGE? IT ‘S NOT MY FAULT THE LATEST ADNROID UPDATE has rendered my expensive mobile a paperweight.
This word is used by Luke meyers to express how Mason shows his rage and his steroid usage shows in his emotions
Example- Mason u have roid rage
The extreme, all-encompassing, homicidal rage, towards everyone and everything, that one feels when one's ass grapes flare up.
Bob killed a man yesterday. They say it was a case of blind roid rage.
rage associated with the femme experience.
an outpour of anger that directly results from the docility society expects from femininity.
a rejection of gendered ideas regarding who gets to express anger and in what ways.
Enough civility, it's feminine rage time.
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