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Revised definition for 2020: A form of governance in which only Republicans are allowed to win.

Trump lost by 7 million votes, filed over 50 lawsuits and lost all of them, and was rejected by the Supreme Court twice. This is NOT DEMOCRACY!!!

by causticAnatomy December 13, 2020


Republic is better than a Joe frickin Biden who doesn't give a shat about America and raises gas prices while he forgets his name so many times. Even Kim Jong Un is better at ruling.

Person 1: What is a Democracy? Person 2: Constant suffering of gas prices and donating too much money to Ukraine.

by Furball604 October 13, 2022


As long as people value safety/security over personal freedom, they will have no right to do anything that makes them feel safe, they will only have a right to get in line for the slaughterhouse, since they've already given up all the other rights they weren't fighting for. When someone tells someone to tell you that is what's best for you and you never question the source behind the (mis)information, that's what you end up with.

Democracy is only as good as the fight people are willing to put towards it, that was how the country got started. There has always been hypocrisy and double standards, the country was founded by slaveowners fighting for independence and freedom, and bullshit has always been the glue that held it all together, but if nobody fights then nobody has any rights, no matter what they look like.

by The Original Agahnim December 4, 2021


Lack of democracy doesn't just affect white people. Ahmaud Arbery was a casualty of a shortage of democracy, that kind of thing happens when people value safety over personal freedom (it's the opposite of safe, even if it seems like a good idea at first, after all Hitler spoke of peace and love winning before he took over Germany). A guy got shot because some other guys thought he had no right for them not to feel safe. When people value safety over personal freedom, rights disappear. It works the same way with masks and vaccines, and an overpoliced country where unarmed people are getting killed frequently for no good reason.

Democracy is still around, but people aren't fighting for it, many are still accepting any restrictions to their freedom and democracy a few people can think up to put on their behavior and movement.

by The Original Agahnim December 4, 2021


Democracy hasn't retreated or gone anywhere, but it hasn't been revived in a long time either. Long before the mask and vaccine mandates and restrictions there was the post 9/11 airport security people had tolerated because they decided they valued safety over personal freedom and rights. Kids born after the year 2000 might not even have much sense of democracy or personal freedom, since they've only known the airport security and travel bans since 9/11 and the pandemic, respectively. These folks are used to accepting what they see and hear in the news perhaps, and doing what they are told by authorities rather than questioning whether the authorities know what they are talking about.

Kids born after 2000, if they have any sense of democracy at all, must think it isn't something they might have to wake up and fight/bleed to keep.

by The Original Agahnim December 4, 2021


Democracy basically means... government... by the people, of the people, for the people. But the people... are retarded.

"I love democracy,” -Darth Osho

by Anda-Man and Pablo Nicobar June 10, 2023


when "the boys" call Mr. Penutbutter hot

"ugh isnt Mr. Penutbutter sooo hot?" "no wtf? democracy"

by ratgravy May 24, 2021