A disabled cat that smells only faintly of wee and damp bread. Often portrayed in school plays in the 90's.
Get your act together Trevor! You are turning into a rumble muncher.
A maple muncher is someone who strictly dates Canadians only (Canadians dating other Canadians are not included).
Selena Gomez is a known maple muncher because of her saying history e.g., Justin Bieber and the weekend
a muff muncher is a person who likes to go down on other people
usualy the lesbian kind
what up you muff muncher
The insult for the common man, to describe one simply as homosexual, most commonly heard in the outer regions of the "Ghetto"
Check yo shit G, I'll cap yo white nugget muncher ass
Someone who exhibits extreme compliance towards another
Bennett tried to take an ice cream cone out to a friend from dhall, however the card swiper said he couldn't walk back in without using a meal swipe. Bennett said to the crusty lady, "stop being a beef muncher and let me back in."
Someone who eats bundas for a living, they actually taste really nice (don't ask how I know this).
No way!!! Steven is such a bunda muncher!!!
Someone who loves to munch Clunge ( Fanny )
Colby: Shut up Llyr you clunge muncher
Llyr: Fuck off Colby I’m not a Clunge muncher
Colby: Tell that to Chem Dell’s clunge Mr. OneLick