When u eat too much chocolatee u get dis. Sub 2 ObliviousLuke on YT
Bob has 500 chocolate cakes. He eats 499. What does Bob have.
Answer: diabetes
Diabetes is an allergy to grass . This allergy can develop later in life but is usually present at birth.Studies have shown that diabetes is most commonly found in those who express traits of narcissism.Scientists have not found the connection (if any) between diabetes and narcissistic personality disorder.
“If someone has inflammation on their skin caused by an allergy, it might also be present in the brain. On the other side of the coin, it’s possible that the stress of an allergic condition worsens psychiatric symptoms that already exist. The relationship is likely to be a complex two-way street. “
-excerpt from an article written by Tim Newman
**diabetics should avoid triggers such as mowing grass **
Chad- “Hey man your yard is looking like a jungle. Why haven’t you mowed your grass?”
Diabetic- “ You KNOW I have diabetes Chad. How can you say something so insensitive?”
An auto-immune disease that makes your pancreas shut down. You need insulin intake when you eat carby foods like bread or pasta. Diabetes Mellitus is caused by your immune system thinking that the pancreas is a bad organ thus killing your pancreas and you become man made ins dependent. If you do keep your blood sugar in control you can die from diabetic ketoacidosis
Timmy got diagnosed with diabetes last year and his diaversary is next month
Diabetes is an illness that limits or entirely stops the production of insulin in your pancreas. There are two types of diabetes ; these are type one and type two. Type one diabetes is mainly genetic and halts insulin production. Type two diabetes is seen mainly due to being overweight. Diabetes is not a joke and should be taken very seriously. Insulin is a natural chemical produced by the body that regulates blood sugar levels.
Doctor: Im sorry but you have type one diabetes
Me: Now I know what that means due to this urban dictionary page!
Guy 1: Youre diabetic? doesnt that mean that you cant eat sugar?
Me: Actually we can eat sugar its just that we have to carb ourselves for it
Me: Diabetes isn't contagious but Im still gonna stay away from YOU.
A Donkey eating too unhealthy which causes diabetes.
I have Diabetes.
Angela went to the shop bought sweets got home ate the sweets . She got fat and now suffers from diabetes this is not good coz now she gets bullied